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Your time in the spotlight, Wacky
Yeah, the comment system doesn’t let you embed links and I didn’t try to get around it (change c0m to com to see it).
That’s one of the weird things about Wacky, or course – Wally got his mouse, but Cracky never did.
Tiny Toons, actually – “How I Spent My Summer Vacation”. Shirley the Loon and Foulmouth go to see a movie and are nearly annihilated by the demo for “THUD Sound Systems: A Division of MucasFilm LTD.”
“Trust me! Not only am I a grex, but I’m half toon! Never mind that I couldn’t manage to catch a mouse…”
I’m sure Marigold’s magic is up to Atmos.
Hopefully this magic ball won’t be as sarcastic and disruptive as the one in “Precocious”!
Don’t go into the light!
So, how many Topsider communities are there? And how many “toon” communities?
Terrance’s topsider enclave was presumably completely wiped out, so who are these guys?
Your time in the spotlight, Wacky