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  1. 10 months ago on Peanuts

    No wonder Lucy pulls the football away. He was a mean little jerk back then.

  2. 10 months ago on Luann

    I think you’re being a bit harsh. Two days ago, Bernice pointed out that she’s six years old; therefore Luann is about the same age. Seriously, how much are you expecting from six-year-olds?

  3. 10 months ago on Peanuts Begins

    Guys, he just said that’s what it “looks like.” He didn’t say that Schulz actually used a computer to copy and paste.

    And he has a point. The facial expressions and body position on Shermy and Patty in the third panel are exactly the same. They’re so close, it’s like Schulz used a stencil to draw two matching figures, then just added the hair and clothing to distinguish them.

  4. over 1 year ago on Peanuts

    This is one of the more disturbing strips. In the second to last panel, we see that Charlie Brown might have come to serious injury if he had slid off that sled. Maybe broken teeth or bones in his face.

    Bad Lucy.

  5. over 1 year ago on Peanuts

    On the other hand, perhaps Charlie Brown did this intentionally to take the wind out of Lucy’s sails, so to speak.

    Look at the miserable expression Lucy has on her face in the last panel. She clearly got no enjoyment out of doing this. So, perhaps this was a clever ploy by Charlie Brown.

    In the past, Lucy has derived sadistic pleasure by her malicious pranks on Charlie Brown. Look at November 2, 1952, for instance. (Warning: the potential for injury in this strip makes it slightly disturbing.)

  6. almost 2 years ago on Peanuts

    I think Charlie Brown Jr.’s uncanny resemblance to Schroeder was meant to imply that Schroeder was the actual father.

  7. almost 2 years ago on Peanuts

    Who’d buy her? “Hey, I have a loud-mouthed, bullying, domineering 7-year-old shrew. Wanna buy her?”

  8. almost 2 years ago on Peanuts

    Because, she just apologized to him. He should say something magnanimous like, “It’s okay. I understand. You didn’t mean the things you said. You were just frustrated.”

  9. almost 2 years ago on Peanuts

    You know what’s weird about this? Linus and Charlie Brown are dressed for summer weather, and Patty and Violet are dressed for fall or winter.

    Still, it is nice to see all four of them united for one purpose, even if it is to pound Snoopy to hamburger.

  10. almost 2 years ago on Peanuts

    I was going to say this. It’s like Schulz forgot they’re brother and sister. Or maybe there’s some archaic notion back in 1959 that the boys belong to their father, and the girls belong to their mother.