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Recent Comments

  1. 3 days ago on Dog Eat Doug

    Yes, always look at the bright side!

  2. 3 days ago on B.C.

    My cat does the exact same thing…usually about 5:30 or 6am! Occasionally she’ll give me a 5 minute “snooze alarm” and then start howling louder than ever.

  3. 6 days ago on Peanuts

    I bet that dove would enjoy an “airplane ride” with Snoopy too.

  4. 7 days ago on Ten Cats

    Thank you for sharing…that’s a beautiful and amazing memory.

  5. 7 days ago on Peanuts

    Poor Snoopy…I know how he feels. That sometimes happens to me and my PC keyboard if I’m really tired.

  6. 9 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Haven’t had breakfast yet…now I’m feeling hungry all of a sudden! They sound good!

  7. 11 days ago on Baby Blues

    I feel just like them when I’m going to the dentist, even if it’s just for a cleaning…and I’m 78!

  8. 13 days ago on Off the Mark

    You can’t be picky when you’re getting so much love!!

  9. 14 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Thank you for that explanation. I always assumed she was imaginary.

  10. 21 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I agree. I love that Goat put on a tie for his zoom meeting!