I’m having problems imagining him having long, personal conversations with Opal.
The pickle shoes are the only thing he’s wearing that is not pickle green.
She ended up inside the fridge WITH the food. I wouldn’t say it is working perfectly.
My parents were both born in the 1930s, they used pages of old Sears catalogs… minus the underwear pages. No money to buy toilet paper during the Great Depression.
As a Quebecer I can tell you it is impossible to eat real poutine with your fingers. It is too hot and the cheese doesn’t stick on the fries.
In comic world, it is often that.
They complete each other.
Less sweaty, smelly patients.
It drives me nuts when you’re supposed to be 18 to use a site and the birth year list starts with the current year.
I much prefer my 20 year old wool sweaters to all that synthetic crap.
I’m having problems imagining him having long, personal conversations with Opal.