Pastis summarizes in two panels what lefty pundits have been unable to clearly state for years. Good on you, mate.
“Lord Shameful Display” is one of the best character names ever.
Lio should get a clue. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Not to mention, these days constantly pursuing someone in the face of repeated clear responses that one’s attention is unwanted is looked at very differently than before.
Someone tell Pastis there’s some interstrip hostility going on. Pig doesn’t deserve this.
The cats’ influence is spreading.
Guess what, Katie! The next time you touch that stuff, your body’s reaction is gonna be on a whole different level.
No, no. The Sirens were supposed to attract sailors with their singing. Warning sirens are a whole other thing.
Wait until he breaks out his vuvuzela.
Just as long as they’re not mimes. The horror!
His name is Puddin Tain. Axe him again and he’ll tell you the same.
Pastis summarizes in two panels what lefty pundits have been unable to clearly state for years. Good on you, mate.