Holiday tink  disney zulily

Little Miss Tink Free

I'm the successor to Miss Tink. Like her, I'm a little pixie who lives in Dewdrop Meadows.

Recent Comments

  1. almost 5 years ago on Gnome Syndicate

    This is the reason why pixies, fairies and gnomes don’t trust these guys!

  2. almost 5 years ago on Gnome Syndicate

    Ooo! She kissed him just the way Snow White kissed Dopey! Scandalous!

  3. almost 5 years ago on Molly and the Bear

    No one would kiss a baby with a mouth like that!

  4. almost 5 years ago on In Security

    Cute kids. I like the one with the caterpillars above her eyes!

  5. almost 5 years ago on Lio

    Why does like doing these terrible creatures? His late mommy didn’t love him enough?

  6. almost 5 years ago on Buni

    Sane here. Get it? “Sane here”? I made a joke! [Tickle!]

  7. almost 5 years ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    With me, that’s easy. I just wave my wand.

  8. almost 5 years ago on Gnome Syndicate

    I think he’s about to go “Broom-Hilda” on him!

  9. almost 5 years ago on Gnome Syndicate

    That’s something Peter NEVER did with me! I was only his comedy relief!

  10. almost 5 years ago on Gnome Syndicate

    I was cozy myself with PP before he got cozy with Wendy’s daughter! (Grrrr!)