Marvel’s parody of Superman in Not Brand Echh was, if memory serves, “Faster than a speeding pullet … More powerful than a loco motorboat … Able to leap tall bulldogs with a single bound!”
I like Bushmiller and Gilgrist and Jaimes about equally, which is just enough to keep following the strip even though pretty often disapproving my own judgment in doing so. (Sometimes I have really enjoyed each.) I wish I’d had the chance to see more of Jerry Scott’s version.
I’ve had Philly cheesesteaks, albeit not in Philadelphia, and I really like them. But what “cheese steak” means to me is something served at a long-gone local lunch counter. It was basically a cheeseburger, but with cube steak instead of hamburger. Man, that was good! Maybe there was some secret ingredient, because I was never able to re-create them the way they served them there.
I did well in school, but it’s hard for me to believe that any kids really love the resumption of the school year, apart from those for whom the school day is their only respite from a really abominable existence.
Apparently they even got the vocalist from Pilot to record the Ozempic version!