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  1. about 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    WillaimBrown, I suspect you’d have to be an excellent street fighter, is that correct?

    I have had the misfortune of reading your diatribe here. 4liberty posed reasonable questions, and indeed common facts for you to ponder. None of which you have been able to address.

    Your personal conduct leaves me bewildered. You had an audience here that you have alienated with your very poor behaviour. A wasted opportunity to make a valid point, to correct, with facts, what you thought incorrect. Instead you rant and rave like a dimwit grasping at straws. Name calling like a two year old. And when that bait wasn’t taken, you set about being a bully boy. By my mind you have the mental capastity of a gnat. Is that why your only rebuffs have only been personal attacks?

    If I were to assume for a minute that you are even remotely intelligent, then I could only come to the conclusion that you are not able to address any question or fact put forward to you because you do not care for truth. I care not who your god is, but I assure you, if I ever came across an arrogant, ignorant, offensive and belligerent person like you in the street, I too would be the better man and walk away, just as 4 liberty has. You have repulsed me. But alas! I know others that would belt a person like you to within an inch of their lives though…. Hence my opening question. Aren’t you glad that you have the internet to hide behind.