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Recent Comments

  1. 9 days ago on Basic Instructions

    It seems, Scott, that you’ve pretty much cut down recently to every other Monday.

  2. 11 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Interesting when the analogy actually refers to the guy who writes the funniest comic strip since “Calvin & Hobbes.”

  3. 23 days ago on Non Sequitur

    He’s going to REALLY wish she’d left his wall intact.

  4. 26 days ago on Doonesbury

    I had a “problem” like that. My grades weren’t very good — I was obstinately allergic to homework, I often behaved toward my teachers in a manner worthy of Sheldon Cooper, and I only passed by doing well on exams, and my guidance counselor didn’t think very highly of me and said so to college recruiters — but I aced the SATs, getting the highest scores in the state. I was inundated with college offers including some really HARD sells where they paid all travel and expenses to have me tour their campus and promised me basically anything. It was kinda nice, but I went where the faculty included John Kenneth Galbraith.

  5. 28 days ago on The Boondocks

    I always suspected he was huffing nitrous.

  6. about 2 months ago on Doonesbury

    Remember “Alice’s Restaurant?” Most people do, but most people have forgotten an old place where you can get what you could get there. It’s called “Usenet.”

  7. about 2 months ago on Liberty Meadows

    Wait a week or so. The end is nigh.

  8. about 2 months ago on Basic Instructions

    The nearest thing I ever watched to a “reaction video” was “Mystery Science Theater 3000.”

  9. 2 months ago on Doonesbury

    You really are from the Bizarro World, aren’t you!

  10. 2 months ago on Doonesbury

    My word is “evil.”