Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for August 06, 2012
Emma: We can't prove for certain that your dog had something to do with the barn fire and animal uprising, but Virgil just thinks it's better if y'all folks moved along. Virgil: I'll kill him! I'll kill the little-- Emma: Virgil, please, your blood pressure! Virgil: Lousy stinkin' mongrel mutt arrr!! Poncho: Oh, snap, I left my copy of "animal farm" back there. Chazz: Forget it, Poncho!
pcolli about 12 years ago
Now Virgil can take off his false beard, and get back to running the “Animal Farm” theme park.
ShadowBeast Premium Member about 12 years ago
I guess we’re never seeing any of those characters ever again.
dre7861 about 12 years ago
And yet another Life-Long Nemesis for Poncho. I wonder if one day we’ll see Farmer Virgil with his fake beard in the Looney-Bin with the Mailman and the Ex-Walker?
woodwork about 12 years ago
shudda taken the fishing boat option
pierreandnicole about 12 years ago
Uh…Carmen is still wearing that blue outfit.
Skylark about 12 years ago
So much for all that! Now what????
likeponcho about 12 years ago
Maybe holidays by the sea would have been better. Next time I will vote for holidays by the sea:D
likeponcho about 12 years ago
I will stay vegeterian
Xane_T about 12 years ago
That was more than a bit anticlimactic…“You know at the end of the book it was the pigs that…”“JUST FORGET IT”
likeponcho about 12 years ago
Poncho is in the car first lol
runar about 12 years ago
There has yet to be a satisfactory film version of Animal Farm. Both the animated (1954) and the “live action” (1999) versions sanitized the ending. If the movie ending doesn’t match the book ending, it’s a completely wasted effort.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 12 years ago
I hope they got the rest of their money back!
su43dipta over 2 years ago
Who wouldn’t think of taking a book, inconspicuously named “Animal Farm”, to an animal farm? (Although Poncho didn’t know they were going to one beforehand, so what do I know)