If politicians lie, it’s because all too many of the voters insist they do so. What would an “honest politician” say to you? Would you vote for that candidate afterwards?
I think we should have awards like the Oscars or Emmys for political commercials.
The nominees for the category of most lies in a 30-second spot are …
I’d like to give out the award for the best cinematography: taking quotes out of context. Some commercials I’ve seen the editing is so bad, it gives you a headache.
Some other categories can be:
Most geographically inaccurate – showing riots in Seattle and claiming it’s Minneapolis (the Space Needle in the background went unnoticed by the editors).
Most testimonials by a single law enforcement officer about “law and order.”
Best Makeup – aging an opponent digitally and giving them a scowl or darkening their skin color.
Best Trick Photography – taking pictures and cropping out critical details.
Most high-falootin’ sounding PAC name – like Citizens for a Better America.
Best Deep Fake – it’s only a matter of time
One serious note: When you see a commercial, is it the candidate him or her self speaking, or is it a voiceover. Some candidates can’t put two COHERENT sentences together.
Never believe a candidate who say he WILL do something—if he is honest, he will say that he will TRY to do it. (In the event of a dictator, this comment is null and void.)
“If you ever injected truth into politics you have no politics”
“Politics pretty quiet over the week-end. Democrats are attacking and the Republicans are defending. All the Democrats have to do is promise “what they would do if they got in.” But the Republicans have to promise “what they would do” and then explain why they haven’t already done it." Will Rogers
On some of those drug-commercial disclaimers, they have to hire speed readers to go thru everything that might possibly go wrong. Makes me wonder how bad the supposed ailment is if you’re willing to take a chance on all that just to get rid of it.
What has Sherrod Brown ever done for us? Anything? Anything gainst us? Anything at all?
I’m asking because I got a Trumpite mailer on behalf of a rich sod named Moreno who wants Brown’s Senate seat. When I tried to think why he shouldn’t get it (apart from him being a rich sod from Columbia with unsavory elements in his background) I couldn’t think of anything Brown has done, good or bad.
^They may have stopped allowing comments on ‘political’ cartoons, but demonizers still find opportunities to vent their ‘hate-and-fear the other party’s candidate!’ bile.
saw an ad that included some kind of perfidy applicable to “the area between the an?s and the genitals” yesterday. Went by too fast to read what the issue might be, I just want them to tell me, “Tain’t so!”.
Will he quit running our country down? I think America is pretty darn great right now and always has been. What other country would you rather live in.
If a certain candidate promises in a rally that ’you’ll never have to vote again because I’ll fix it all’, then his handlers say ‘it was all a joke’, should we assume that everything he says is just a joke?
Can't Sleep 2 months ago
We need to wire the candidates to lie detectors. And keep fire extinguishers handy in case of the old “pants on fire” syndrome.
Ernest_CT 2 months ago
saobadao 2 months ago
The dude from FL Premium Member 2 months ago
99 days to go!
sandpiper 2 months ago
Bitter truth.
sbenton7684 2 months ago
Bilan 2 months ago
We have plenty of fact-checking.
It’s voters that care is what we’re short of
Alabama Al 2 months ago
If politicians lie, it’s because all too many of the voters insist they do so. What would an “honest politician” say to you? Would you vote for that candidate afterwards?
HidariMak 2 months ago
When it comes to political promises, I find it easiest to weed out the “what” which doesn’t come with the “how”.
Superhawk 2 months ago
Politicians speak out of both sides of their mouth so that they have a place to insert both feet.
mindjob 2 months ago
The earth will be sucked into a black hole and all Netflix subscriptions will be cancelled
dflak 2 months ago
Use multiple sources to get your news. Social media is NOT a news source.
dflak 2 months ago
I think we should have awards like the Oscars or Emmys for political commercials.
The nominees for the category of most lies in a 30-second spot are …
I’d like to give out the award for the best cinematography: taking quotes out of context. Some commercials I’ve seen the editing is so bad, it gives you a headache.
Some other categories can be:
Most geographically inaccurate – showing riots in Seattle and claiming it’s Minneapolis (the Space Needle in the background went unnoticed by the editors).
Most testimonials by a single law enforcement officer about “law and order.”
Best Makeup – aging an opponent digitally and giving them a scowl or darkening their skin color.
Best Trick Photography – taking pictures and cropping out critical details.
Most high-falootin’ sounding PAC name – like Citizens for a Better America.
Best Deep Fake – it’s only a matter of time
One serious note: When you see a commercial, is it the candidate him or her self speaking, or is it a voiceover. Some candidates can’t put two COHERENT sentences together.
NRHAWK Premium Member 2 months ago
And this is why tRump has backed out of the debate. He absolutely hates being fact checked or being called a liar in real time.
For a Just and Peaceful World 2 months ago
And I approve of this message: Trump is guilty of all 34 counts.
ajr58(1) 2 months ago
The Orange MAGAnaut is backing out of the debates, because Harris can spit out fact checks to prove his lies, faster than he can make up the lies.
Skeptical Meg 2 months ago
At the last debate, they set up the old Joe Isuzu “He’s Lying” caption but trump burned it out during preparation.
VKent 2 months ago
Come on, quit pretending both sides aren’t doing it.
Count Olaf Premium Member 2 months ago
Vote for The Ugandan Giant or you’re a racist misogamist.
snappyboy 2 months ago
Just imagine how much good could be done with all that money. Let’s start with better schools which would turn out an educated electorate.
More Coffee Please! Premium Member 2 months ago
Daltongang Premium Member 2 months ago
And that’s just for one of his typical tweets on Truth Social.
emery3093 Premium Member 2 months ago
Sad thing is, the parties spend tens of millions of dollars on these ads because they work.
Godfreydaniel 2 months ago
Never believe a candidate who say he WILL do something—if he is honest, he will say that he will TRY to do it. (In the event of a dictator, this comment is null and void.)
Grandma Lea 2 months ago
“If you ever injected truth into politics you have no politics”
“Politics pretty quiet over the week-end. Democrats are attacking and the Republicans are defending. All the Democrats have to do is promise “what they would do if they got in.” But the Republicans have to promise “what they would do” and then explain why they haven’t already done it." Will Rogers
kathleenhicks62 2 months ago
There are certain chronic liars out there.
Richard S Russell Premium Member 2 months ago
On some of those drug-commercial disclaimers, they have to hire speed readers to go thru everything that might possibly go wrong. Makes me wonder how bad the supposed ailment is if you’re willing to take a chance on all that just to get rid of it.
Màiri 2 months ago
What has Sherrod Brown ever done for us? Anything? Anything gainst us? Anything at all?
I’m asking because I got a Trumpite mailer on behalf of a rich sod named Moreno who wants Brown’s Senate seat. When I tried to think why he shouldn’t get it (apart from him being a rich sod from Columbia with unsavory elements in his background) I couldn’t think of anything Brown has done, good or bad.
Jack7528 2 months ago
Don’t trust fact checkers, they are & done by people, who have agendas just like everyone else.
ncorgbl 2 months ago
If disclaimers were required for political ads, tRump’s disclaimer would be longer than the message.
Holden Awn 2 months ago
^They may have stopped allowing comments on ‘political’ cartoons, but demonizers still find opportunities to vent their ‘hate-and-fear the other party’s candidate!’ bile.
wordsmeet 2 months ago
Marvin the robot: This will not end well.
ManiacEx 2 months ago
That was far too positive of a disclaimer to have been made by the opposition.
bilbrlsn 2 months ago
saw an ad that included some kind of perfidy applicable to “the area between the an?s and the genitals” yesterday. Went by too fast to read what the issue might be, I just want them to tell me, “Tain’t so!”.
lnrokr55 2 months ago
You know I find interesting that people can’t master channel changing, or the on off switch. Must be a high tech thing ! ;-)
mistercatworks 2 months ago
It’s called a rebuttal and has been around longer than the drugs which make today’s politics less distasteful.
Ib12us 2 months ago
99 day’s till election day, 99 days. Get past one, barf past the ads, 98 days till election day to go.
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 2 months ago
If this were Victorian England, Trump would be in a debtor’s prison
willie_mctell 2 months ago
I’m with the cats.
kendavis09 2 months ago
Will he quit running our country down? I think America is pretty darn great right now and always has been. What other country would you rather live in.
eddi-TBH 2 months ago
The Fairness Doctrine did have some benefits.
gordon322 2 months ago
If a certain candidate promises in a rally that ’you’ll never have to vote again because I’ll fix it all’, then his handlers say ‘it was all a joke’, should we assume that everything he says is just a joke?
Salty dog Premium Member 2 months ago
TDS alive and well here
Tootsie Premium Member 2 months ago
Brilliant, Wiley.