I was once asked if I though I could buy my way into Heaven (not necessarily with money, of course.) My reply was, “Of course I can. That’s what organized religion is all about.”
And THIS is why I believe in the possibility of a creator, but not in human-created religion. Humans are too flawed, dense and selfish-minded to do that correctly.
Besides every variant of every modern religion, more than a few of the ancient myths (Greece’s Zeus, Atlas, and Prometheus, Norway’s Valhalla, etc.) were major religions in their time as well. That’s why I believe, than in a parallel universe, Thor is still being worshiped, and Jesus is one of Marvel’s Avengers.
Read and follow only the words attributed to Christ, follow them…that will keep you busy being loving and kind to a deserving world….was Buddha fine, certainly. Being loving and kind is not necessarily a competitive sport, but wait, might be good.
And, since ALL “Religions” were created by MEN solely to keep an elite group (The Priests) in power, and to insure THEIR continued wealth, they are ALL bogus!
Everybody who believes ANYTHING – not just religious belief – believes that they’re right, and those who differ are wrong. That includes politics, economic theories, everything. That’s what belief IS.
Fundamentalism is when you don’t merely BELIEVE that you are right, but are certain that you are right. And you regard those who differ as not merely wrong, but having something wrong WITH them.
And no, all religion is NOT like that. Nor is that attitude confined to religion.
You believe in the Bible? Which one? The Old Testament is best read in the original language – Aramaic, not any of the translations the followed. The New Testament, originally in Koine Greek, has been rewritten and (mis)translated so many times can anyone really be sure what it initially said?
I’ve always wondered about products that claim rhey do everything- Like detergents get out EVERY stain even ground in ones. Then next week it’s a new & improved. Are we developing new stains every week or month orwhatever?
A student of mine, who had a HUGE painting of Saint Sebastian being pierced by arrows in his living room, observed to me, “Religion is only a moral brake.”
There are only 4 ways you can believe in a “god/religion” and the vast majority of people fall into the fourth category: one needs it as a coping mechanism and uses religion rather than booze, pills or something else. Like most coping mechanisms, it does more good than harm unless used to excess.
Religion has been defined as group insanity; and when I look at what has been done in the name of god on this planet in the last 10,000 years, i believe it.
“Alternative facts” and “Truth isn’t truth” Two of the most unbelievable spoken comments from an administration that creates facts to suits its needs and lies about its lying. Kellyanne Conway and Rudy Giuliani quotes respectively.
To quote Groucho Marx, “Who are you going believe, me or your lying eyes?” Trump’s administration’s answer to accountability and transparency is to obfuscate and distract.
It seems the cartoonist (or his characters) has never heard of providing reasons for the relative validity of religions—of giving evidence for why Christianity, say, is likely more trustworthy historically than Islam.
Alabama Al about 5 years ago
I was once asked if I though I could buy my way into Heaven (not necessarily with money, of course.) My reply was, “Of course I can. That’s what organized religion is all about.”
Dtroutma about 5 years ago
She’s got it.
Watcher about 5 years ago
Making up the rules as you go along, sort of like Trump.
Enter.Name.Here about 5 years ago
And THIS is why I believe in the possibility of a creator, but not in human-created religion. Humans are too flawed, dense and selfish-minded to do that correctly.
Bilan about 5 years ago
I’m religious. But I believe that any church that claims you have to be one of them to get to heaven is just wrong.
nosirrom about 5 years ago
Danae, did you Have A Theological Epiphany?
HidariMak about 5 years ago
Besides every variant of every modern religion, more than a few of the ancient myths (Greece’s Zeus, Atlas, and Prometheus, Norway’s Valhalla, etc.) were major religions in their time as well. That’s why I believe, than in a parallel universe, Thor is still being worshiped, and Jesus is one of Marvel’s Avengers.
Brockie about 5 years ago
Read and follow only the words attributed to Christ, follow them…that will keep you busy being loving and kind to a deserving world….was Buddha fine, certainly. Being loving and kind is not necessarily a competitive sport, but wait, might be good.
Differentname about 5 years ago
Re-read ‘Stranger In A Strange Land,’ the part about the Church with slot machines and strippers…
Masterskrain about 5 years ago
And, since ALL “Religions” were created by MEN solely to keep an elite group (The Priests) in power, and to insure THEIR continued wealth, they are ALL bogus!
cdward about 5 years ago
Actually, they don’t all claim to be better than all other religions, nor do they all claim that all the rest are wrong.
Ignatz Premium Member about 5 years ago
Everybody who believes ANYTHING – not just religious belief – believes that they’re right, and those who differ are wrong. That includes politics, economic theories, everything. That’s what belief IS.
Fundamentalism is when you don’t merely BELIEVE that you are right, but are certain that you are right. And you regard those who differ as not merely wrong, but having something wrong WITH them.
And no, all religion is NOT like that. Nor is that attitude confined to religion.
smgray about 5 years ago
You believe in the Bible? Which one? The Old Testament is best read in the original language – Aramaic, not any of the translations the followed. The New Testament, originally in Koine Greek, has been rewritten and (mis)translated so many times can anyone really be sure what it initially said?
sandpiper about 5 years ago
Ignorance meets reality – and loses
strictures about 5 years ago
All religion is wrong about everything!
Droptma Styx about 5 years ago
Don’t Buddhists have a saying, “there are many paths to the mountaintop, and each one will get you there”? Somebody said that, anyway.
tripwire45 about 5 years ago
I’d love to see Danae come up with a single fact.
comixbomix about 5 years ago
She’s developing into presidential material…
david_42 about 5 years ago
“It ain’t those parts of the Bible that I can’t understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand.” Mark Twain
gammaguy about 5 years ago
I used to believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but I had to give that up when I adopted a low-carb diet.
WDemBlk Premium Member about 5 years ago
I’ve always wondered about products that claim rhey do everything- Like detergents get out EVERY stain even ground in ones. Then next week it’s a new & improved. Are we developing new stains every week or month orwhatever?
John9 about 5 years ago
Fake Pews
magicwalnut Premium Member about 5 years ago
A student of mine, who had a HUGE painting of Saint Sebastian being pierced by arrows in his living room, observed to me, “Religion is only a moral brake.”
Linguist about 5 years ago
Not a helluva lot of difference between the dumb sheep who blindly follow religious gurus, and the ones who follow political ones.
thelordthygod666 about 5 years ago
There are only 4 ways you can believe in a “god/religion” and the vast majority of people fall into the fourth category: one needs it as a coping mechanism and uses religion rather than booze, pills or something else. Like most coping mechanisms, it does more good than harm unless used to excess.
nikpromo about 5 years ago
Religion has been defined as group insanity; and when I look at what has been done in the name of god on this planet in the last 10,000 years, i believe it.
1953Baby about 5 years ago
What about the Great Pumpkin?!? Equal time for the Great Pumpkin!
Holden Awn about 5 years ago
Applies to the faiths that label themselves political movements as well.
Bookworm about 5 years ago
And Man created God in his own image. God was so embarrassed.
Richard S Russell Premium Member about 5 years ago
Religions all contradict each other, so we know they can’t all be right. But they can all be wrong!
fuzzbucket Premium Member about 5 years ago
If you don’t believe in my religion, you’re gonna get your toes toasted.
dot-the-I about 5 years ago
Against whom to do you lock your doors at night – religious folk?
Bicycle Dude about 5 years ago
“Alternative facts” and “Truth isn’t truth” Two of the most unbelievable spoken comments from an administration that creates facts to suits its needs and lies about its lying. Kellyanne Conway and Rudy Giuliani quotes respectively.
To quote Groucho Marx, “Who are you going believe, me or your lying eyes?” Trump’s administration’s answer to accountability and transparency is to obfuscate and distract.
DCBakerEsq about 5 years ago
My Catholic friend, my 7th Day Adventist friend, my Baptist friend, my Mormon friend, and my Jewish friend all walk into a bar …
There’s no punchline. I just wish they all would walk into a bar and have a few drinks instead of continually proselytizing to me.
1.79mk about 5 years ago
It seems the cartoonist (or his characters) has never heard of providing reasons for the relative validity of religions—of giving evidence for why Christianity, say, is likely more trustworthy historically than Islam.
librarian4hire about 5 years ago
It’s only Christianity and Islam that claim their religion is the Only True Way and all others are wrong.
Remember, christianity =/= religion.
Space_cat about 5 years ago
Organized religion is the sickest prank man has ever played on himself
bakana about 5 years ago
“One man’s theology is another man’s belly laugh.”
— Robert Heinlein, “Notebooks of Lazarus Long”
Radish the wordsmith about 5 years ago
Concretionist about 5 years ago
Too bad Mr. Trump’s little boy didn’t decide to get into televangelism. He’d likely have been good at that. Might even have made money at it…
theoldidahofox about 5 years ago
Lucretius: Religion is an evil superstition.
DonnaHilton about 5 years ago
According to Mohammed, most women will go to hell. The 72 houris/virgins must be sex dolls. Go to hell, if you want real women!
DonnaHilton about 5 years ago
I no believe that she is refer to islam. They don’t allow dissenters, the get put to death.