Mike Lester for June 28, 2016

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Absolutely, Mike!Any and all gun control legislation is exactly the same as confiscation of all guns from all citizens.… except criminals, of course.

    There is absolutely NO reason to have any controls over any guns whatsoever, except for government taking over a disarmed citizenry.

    You forgot to mention about OBAMA IS COMING TO TAKE YOUR GUNS!

    And then he’s gonna invade Texas.

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  2. My personal icon
    cocavan11  almost 8 years ago

    I’m not a fan of Lester and I’m not a fan of what I deem over-the-top gun ownership, e.g., semi-automatic, large clips, etc., and dicey background checks; however, I believe that the Hawaiian law will be ruled unconstitutional and I think it should be ruled unconstitutional. We can’t unwrite the constitution out of fear. Legal shortcuts aren’t the answer. In this particular instance, I’m one enlightened liberal who will continue to advocate against foolishness and shortsightedness by either diehard gun owners or by passionate gun-control zealots.

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    opered  almost 8 years ago

    The state of Illinois has registered gun owners for decades. So far, the courts have not struck it down.

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    Odon Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    The assault weapon ban passed in 1994 stood up against multiple court challenges. So it can constitutionally be done, the thing lacking is a congress that cares about us as much as themselves.

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    saturnsport8k  almost 8 years ago

    Will people who have no experience with guns or knowledge of existing gun laws (beyond what the media and politicians tell them) ever stop believing they are experts on the subject? Have some humility and stop lying to yourself, saying you know what you are talking about. Just because you feel so strongly about the topic, doesn’t mean you have enough knowledge about it to be helpful. Feelings don’t create knowledge. Nor are they an appropriate substitute.

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    hippogriff  almost 8 years ago

    John LockeYou revisionists not only try to rewrite history, you try with the dictionary as well. The Jeffersonians, at least, consistently used the term “democratic republic”, meaning based on the rule of all the people with both majority and minority having rights the other cannot abrogate; and it operates through representatives elected by the people. Your definition fits the Articles of Confederation than it does the Constitution, which states as the first of its reasons, a more perfect union – more perfect than the Articles you so love..OldCoalJews in Weimar Germany were generally unarmed because having seen armed defense had no value against the Tsar’s pograms. The Warsaw Ghetto uprising was accomplished with one rifle and one pistol, against an SS division, while the Red Army stood by until the Germans won before advancing.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    Arch Conservatives are the ones who should be strongest in supporting firearms regulation, just like Scalia in “DC vs Heller”, as it is an effective means of REDUCING “post-uterine abortions” of folks from 2 to 82, but mostly in their teens and twenties.

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  8. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 8 years ago

    The Tip of the Island is a watch list for gun owners. The rest is not a repeal of the Second Amendment – but sanity. More guns tracked so less tragedies will take place. Criminals gun movements watched, and mass shootings understood. Not that the right wing would want less shootings, those people are out of the womb, so they don’t count.

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    markjoseph125  almost 8 years ago

    The cartoonist makes it seem like a bad thing.

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    hippogriff  almost 8 years ago

    Mike LesterI can’t see WaPo doing anything like Woodstein today. It is just another propaganda arm, and if Sousa weren’t so right wing, he would demand his march back.

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    twclix  almost 8 years ago

    Like Sue, James is very emotional about this. Hmmm. Can there be a connection between the emotions this issue surfaces and guns? Does a gun extend the range of human emotion and make it more likely to exacerbate emotionality? James and Sue, before you guys go off the deep end again, maybe you could take stock of the increased number of your passionate, emotional posts whenever guns are the subject of a toon. Not that I expect any self-reflection here. These are guns we are talking about. They are a tool that brings out and extends one’s feeling of power and control, and often distort one’s judgement The sheer emotion Sue and James express and the extensive number of comments they tend to post whenever guns are mentioned is curious, though. Most of the gun defenders behave the same way, so it is an emotional topic for them.

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    feverjr Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Telling the Internal Revenue Service that you’re a 501c that does no social welfare work, when 51% is required to justify being tax free, and then calling yourself “Taxed Enough Already”, the target was self-hung.

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