Matt Davies for December 12, 2019

  1. Mwkat2 sm
    yipp_eeee  over 4 years ago

    Most accurate depiction of tRump yet!

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  2. Snl mrbill doll
    claudio645  over 4 years ago

    Will find it hilarious when barr ends up going to jail for something connected to his time in the trump administration. You see, the various laws about emoluments, bribery, election interference, etc all do specifically name cabinet members and you don’t qualify for the pass that the DoJ give the president. You can’t use “executive privilege” to escape prosecution and trump can’t pardon charges brought by the states. Here’s hoping barr gets to emulate his leader and find himself covered in orange…on his way to the prison yard.

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  3. Img 0048
    Nantucket Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Barr calls for an “investigation into the Russian investigation” but when the results come back that say that the Russian connection needed to be looked at, Barr lies about it. Does he plan on invalidating all of the guilty pleas, convictions, and court cases that have already come out of the Russia investigation? How far are the Republicans willing to go to protect Trump?

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  4. Icon face rock
    ForALaugh Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Moscow Mitch will help with the “nice list”.

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 4 years ago

    Trump has his enemies list.

    As recounted in a passage from “Team of Vipers”:

    “Give me their names,” he said, his eyes narrowing. “I want these people out of here. I’m going to take care of this. We’re going to get rid of all the snakes, even the bottom-­feeders.”

    Only in retrospect did I see how remarkable this was. I was sitting there with the President of the United States basically compiling an enemies list — but these enemies were within his own administration. If it had been a horror movie, this would have been the moment when everyone suddenly realizes the call is coming from inside the house.

    The President proceeded to name White House staffer after White House staffer. Almost no one was deemed beyond reproach—not his chief of staff, not senior aides, almost no one other than those with whom he shared a last name. He wanted me to help him judge their loyalty. How, I wondered, had it come to this?Trump took out one of the black Sharpies that he usually carries in his coat pocket.

    As Sims dished, Trump scrawled two lists on a stiff card with the White House seal at the top.

    One list was people he could trust. The other was people he couldn’t, and wanted to let go.

    The combined lists included about 15 people — 10 of them naughty, and five of them (all campaign alumni) nice.

    The leakers formed Trump’s unofficial Enemies List — all on his own staff. Most of the targets survived, at least for a while. But Trump seemed to revel in his new inside knowledge:

    The card was later spotted in the president’s breast pocket — a reminder of what he perceived as the enemies within.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 4 years ago

    Barr is a disgrace to the law enforcement, and “justice”, community.

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  7. Triumph
    Daeder  over 4 years ago

    …to go with our own reality.

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  8. Triumph
    Daeder  over 4 years ago

    He’s on Adam’s Schiff list!

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  9. Missing large
    tauyen  over 4 years ago

    Barr should be ‘dis-barred’

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  10. Missing large
    wrd2255  over 4 years ago

    I hear Satan Claus is seeing people now…

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  11. Wllyblly
    Wlly Blly  over 4 years ago

    Eric Holder has the best take on Barr.

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  12. Reading cat
    morningglory73 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    DJT is a total spoiled brat and a dummy president. Incompetence incarnate.

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  13. 7d66d3ba e62b 45b1 9ce1 5e2a8de3e0c3
    Super Fly  over 4 years ago

    I have taken a vow to view only cartoon images of the Whiny Windbag today. This is an especially good one.

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