Lalo Alcaraz for September 02, 2008

  1. Missing large
    dmohare  over 15 years ago

    This is wrong! Children of politicians should not be fodder for the news media OR comic strips! I don’t think this is funny or thought provoking. I am neither republican or democrat - independent I am, and this is not nice. Have some feelings and leave the poor kid alone. You should be ashamed of yourself!

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  2. Buddy
    lalas  over 15 years ago

    So the hypocrisy isn’t an issue then? What of the Chelsea Clinton jokes that McSame himself made? What of the ‘Family Values’ and ‘Abstinence Only?’ What of the fact that Palin tried to cover it up (prior to getting the nod)?

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Talk about hypocrisy…

    I don’t like that thing any more than the next guy but it proves a point we’ve been trying to make for a long time; Preaching abstinence until marriage is a beautiful thing but let’s be pragmatic here; unless we chemically castrate them until they get married, they just won’t do it.

    Preaching abstinence only is a beautiful utopia (nothing bad about that) but it’s wrong to put it in place where we need a pragmatic solution.

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  4. Buddy
    lalas  over 15 years ago

    Stew are you trying to sell US Magazine here? Is it online? What are the lies? Where is the proof it’s a lie?

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    dhleaky  over 15 years ago

    Go to SNOPES.COM AND LOOK AT WHAT A REAL PLAYER, Palin, CAN DO. Makes you proud to be Republican.

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