Joe Heller for January 14, 2022

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Nothing prevents a business from mandating vaccination or masks

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    davidbyronhopson  over 2 years ago

    The Supreme Court of the Disunited States says no

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    hoot1  over 2 years ago

    It’s just Sooo hard to comprehend wotthehell the Five SCJ’s are trying to do. It’s like WWII and the SC says, “No, fighting the Japanese who attacked us is discriminatory. Can have that…but if they win and take us over, well…we’re good because we didn’t discriminate…” Just disgusting. Now wait for them to approve the coming climate disaster because it might be unfair to the coal miners. So what, if it screws us and the rest of the planet. And Trump and the Republican Senate did this to us with his insane appointments and their gutless approvals. Disastrous moments in the history of America and for mankind.

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    preacherman  over 2 years ago

    Despite what SCOTUS decides about OSHA mandates for vaccines for large companies, many of those companies are already requiring their employees be vaccinated for the good of the company. It just makes good business sense. Maybe Biden did lose this part of his plan, but in the process, millions were forced into being vaccinated. That was probably part of the equation he was working from. That’s why the President has only said he was disheartened about the decision by the court, but he was not ranting and raving about any evils coming from the justices. At least those involved in providing medical assistance to the ill will be required to be vaccinated.

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    NRHAWK Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I have to wonder if the Right side of SCOTUS have any idea they may be making themselves irrelevant soon since they have no powers to enforce their decisions except the goodwill of the President as proven by Andy Jackson telling them to make him stop forcing the Cherokee from their homes after the tribes won their federal lawsuit and thousands died anyway. Yeah, I don’t see Biden doing anything like that either…but the people?

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    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Republicans love covid, they spread it on their sandwiches for lunch.

    They don’t care how many Americans die from a preventable disease.

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    FrankErnesto  over 2 years ago

    I felt sure that the SC would approve the mandates, out of concern for business profits. I was wrong.

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    dlauber Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The GOP opposition to everything that can curb this pandemic is also contributing to the rise in car jackings and retail store invasions. By keeping this pandemic going in significant part to the GOP’s successful efforts to undermine every mitigation offered (testing, mask mandates, employee vaccination mandates, etc.) we live in a world where there’s nothing suspicious about somebody on the street wearing a mask — and wearing those masks makes it nigh unto impossible to identify the perpetrators. Talk about not supporting law enforcement — watch what the GOP politicians do, not just what they say (with apologies to then Attorney General John Mitchell).

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