Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for January 06, 2008
Captain Victorious: Hey, you're Kid Jiffy, right? The fast guy? Man: You know it! Captain Victorious; Hey man, admit it - your power is pretty silly, right? Man: Wha-? Captain Victorious: I mean, come one. You can run really fast. So what? How many times do you need to win a race to beat a bad guy? And so you can dodge stuff. Woo-hoo. What do you do, wait for the guy to run out of bullets and then trip him? I'm sure you're great at relaying messages from one hero to another, too. Wow. But what could you possibly do to someone as powerful as me? Seriously? Hamhock: Hee hee hee! Captain Victorious: And what are you laughing at?? Man: You're right, Cap. I could never get one over on you...
The PapaEaster about 2 years ago
Speed a nice power to have!