Busy day at the Dragon’s Lair, so it’s a two-part classics update to keep on the current day. For the 10th:
Lance Hunter begins teaching his weird theories to the students of Bedlam College, while across the building, Brenda is preparing for her first class. Only since everyone is at the other lecture, that leaves our Starr with no class.
Joel is particularly clear-headed and pointed in questioning Rufus about the suitcase he’s walking around with, and the coincidences are adding up to paint a very guilty picture. But our janitor seems to only have eyes for Melba, and can’t believe she would do anything wrong.
Neither of these bad puns would work. You want to keep it simple,<→stupid</→Jimbo. Cats will learn their names and will respond when called, even if sometimes it is just a fluttering of their ears. If you give them a long name, you’re the one that will get irritated calling out a long name like, “Yvette whatever” or “Caty Purry”. Stick to short names and you (and your cat) won’t regret it.
Deschutes 2 months ago
This arc can’t be over soon enough, these kids are Booooorrring!! Bring back Joel and Rufus
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray 2 months ago
I do like the view in P.3. of Mee Meow looking at the troublemakers ‘Farty’ and Ida wanna go.
Dirty Dragon 2 months ago
♪♫ Top Cat! The most effectual
Top Cat, whose intellectual
Close friends get to call him T.C.
Providing it’s with dignity
Top Cat!
The indisputable leader of the gang
He’s the boss, he’s the pip
He’s the championship
He’s the most tip top
Top Cat
Yes he’s the chief, he’s the king
But above everything
He’s the most tip top
Top Cat! ♪♫
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Busy day at the Dragon’s Lair, so it’s a two-part classics update to keep on the current day. For the 10th:
Lance Hunter begins teaching his weird theories to the students of Bedlam College, while across the building, Brenda is preparing for her first class. Only since everyone is at the other lecture, that leaves our Starr with no class.
Joel is particularly clear-headed and pointed in questioning Rufus about the suitcase he’s walking around with, and the coincidences are adding up to paint a very guilty picture. But our janitor seems to only have eyes for Melba, and can’t believe she would do anything wrong.
snsurone76 2 months ago
How about “Elizabeth Taylor Swift”??
cindy.hutchison 2 months ago
Halloween is coming…
workjobb Premium Member 2 months ago
What in the world is going on here? Has Scancarelli suddenly gone insane, because this makes absolutely no logical sense?
Darryl Heine 2 months ago
A funny name for a cat named after Katy Perry. And the TOP THAT CAT refers to a 1960’s Hanna-Barbera cartoon character called Top Cat, I guess.
Don Bagert Premium Member 2 months ago
Panel 3 has left me speechless.
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 2 months ago
The cat thinks she’s been taken to another planet and nobody told her. Every kid thinks their toy is better than everybody else’s toy
Uncle $crooge 2 months ago
Neither of these bad puns would work. You want to keep it simple,<→stupid</→Jimbo. Cats will learn their names and will respond when called, even if sometimes it is just a fluttering of their ears. If you give them a long name, you’re the one that will get irritated calling out a long name like, “Yvette whatever” or “Caty Purry”. Stick to short names and you (and your cat) won’t regret it.