Not a bad idea except that it will be too late at that time. All the fake Republicans need is one solid victory and then they can finish rigging the game to effectively outlaw competitive elections. Proof of concepts in Russia under Stalin and Putin and Germany under a certain fellow with a mustache…
The law doesn’t prohibit giving out water, what the people involved were doing was handing out water while wearing political buttons and campaign indicative paraphenalia, which is prohibited within a certain distance from the polling place. But it’s easier for Trudeau to make a false claim than to explain the truth, just like the rest of the media who made the same false claims.
" . . . Under the bill, signed into law Thursday night by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, it’s now illegal to hand out food or water to people standing in line to vote.
*"No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector," the new law states.
The law applies within 150 feet of a polling place or within 25 feet of any voter at a polling place. Violators are guilty of a misdemeanor.*
There are many big lie’s, and hatreds abound, possibly the biggest lie is it’s all one “groups” fault, think of who now is getting the most befits from the hatred.
Maybe just me, but when I’m waiting in line to vote, the LAST thing I want is water!! For reason that should be obvious…. Then again, I’m pretty sure it’s not just me!
A few years back, the strip revealed that Samantha identifies as gender-fluid, and neither B.D. nor Boopsie knew what that meant.
Too bad the days of week-long storylines are long gone (only reprints now), since if Sam had such a storyline coming up, I’d be curious to eventually see how GBT depicts gender-fluidity — not everyone defines it the same way, y’know - and how many readers would agree or disagree with said depiction…and how strongly. All in the name of civilized discourse, obviously. ;)
As things stand, it might be months or even years before we hear about Sam again. :-|
Not having the money necessary to move to another one is a large piece of the puzzle. Not having the energy necessary to do so is an even larger one. Chronic depression and low income play upon each other like a substandard simile that’s not actually occurring to me at the moment. :-|
You notice that the Charter agent is worried about the bus being fire-bombed in Georgia, and who would she be worrying about bombing the bus?? It ain’t the Democrats, that’s for sure…
Maybe someone will hire a clown to run around spraying water into people’s faces. Hey, being dressed like a clown was enough to make that shaman guy famous…
There’s a law in Georgia that needs people from California to rent a bus to go to jail? You know, we Montana folk just watch the rest of you on TV and have drinking games, right?
Here’s the deal: People who are trying to suppress the vote (in many and numerous ways) are betraying the American ideal of one person-one vote. Obviously, I mean legitimate votes, but since deliberate voter fraud is incredibly rare (all intelligent people know this, and all honest people admit this), the vote suppressors are betraying the ideal. Therefore, they are betraying the country. Discuss amongst yourselves.
I’ve been saying for years that if we’d been electing presidents directly (the way we do for governors, mayors, representatives, and senators since the Constitution was amended) all this time, and somebody suddenly came up with the idea of an “Electoral College” , he would be greeted with scorn and derision. And possibly pelted with rocks and garbage!
The USA needs voter ID’s? Hmm… The system works well enough to pass lots and lots of voter fraud investigations that cost oodles of time and money, yet turned up a microscopic percentage of voter fraud. Interestingly, the overwhelming majority of those cases were (GASP!) reThuglicans who either did a plea deal, confessed, or were convicted. That includes among other similar cases, the guy who used his dead mom’s ballot because he “just knew she would have wanted to vote for Rump” and the whiz kid who used his wife’s ballot to vote for Rumpy the Evil Clown after he reported her missing – and he is now charged with both murder and voter fraud. Wowser! There’s a future reThuglican nominee for SCOTUS.
The system works as is, and has for years. It’ll work unless someone can come up with a scheme to have millions of forgers trained to copy millions of voters’ signatures that either have to be copied in front of poll workers or would be subjected to human and machine analysis. What sane person (and that’s the real important qualifier in these discussions) thinks that is feasible let alone workable in any way, shape, or form?
So why would anyone want voter ID’s that are hard for people who do not have access to transportation or live in remote areas to get, might require fees under reThuglicans schemes, would require paperwork and legwork that again would not be readily available to some, and so on and so on? Well, some folks have already made it harder for “those people” to get ballots and get to polling places. They have outlawed or made it very difficult to get/use mail-in ballots that the Bulbous Butthole, Melania, their crotch goblins, and in-law leach have themselves used. They’ve closed polling places and ballot drop-off locations.
But the Turd Reich Trolls will try to convince you all of that’s not hypocritical, racists, and fascist. They will try, but they’ll fail.
Ray’s eyes are hidden, as is usually the case with GBT’s “morally ambiguous” characters - Honey, Earl, Jeff as an adult, Sal aka Dr. Whoopie, Zeke, Clyde, and others - depicting them as neither wide-eyed innocents (like Boopsie) nor narrow-eyed cynics (like B.D. and Samantha). That’s not always the case with Ray, though. Deeper meaning?! Probably not.
Knowing not to depend on handouts, a conservative voter would plan ahead and bring their own water. A liberal voter feels entitled to have the whole affair catered by the taxpayer.
I didn’t recognize her! How old is she now?!? Bravo on raising a conscientious human! Are she and Alex the only offspring for that generation? They are fabulous! The “Red Rover” doesn’t count. He’s JJ’s brother and Joanie’s son.
This is the least objectionable part of this law. The part where the legislature gets to pick who won no matter who gets the most votes is a little more important.
The D. family — Samantha, Boopsie, and “B.” — lives in California, right? Samantha and Boopsie are looking at quite a long bus ride. From California through Arizona through New Mexico through Texas through Louisiana through Mississippi through Alabama and finally into Georgia. Nearly 2500 miles, from sea to shining sea, about 36 hours non-stop and I presume they won’t be traveling non-stop. Eesh.
Perhaps GBT will follow Samantha and Boopsie and company through state after state after state, allowing him to comment on developments within each in turn. Perhaps not.
Age of consent-wise (so I’m a pervert, who said I’m not a pervert? when did I ever tell anyone that I’m not a pervert?) that’s from 18 (CA) to 18 (AZ) to 16 (NM) to 17 (TX) to 17 (LA) to 16 (MS) to 16 (AL) to 16 (GA), the full gauntlet.
It’s only illegal for anyone affiliated with a campaign if you really generously interpret the rule against giving gifts to voters. A nonpartisan group shouldn’t get in any trouble
The excuse for making it illegal to hand out food or drink has a legitimate background, that of preventing vote buying. (I remember long ago, when visiting New York City, seeing a puzzling poster advertising that some candidate for some office had “closed all bars on the West Side,” or something like that. Turned out that the candidate had received enough votes for a run-off election, and NY law closed all bars during voting hours.) Vote buying is of course difficult to enforce, since the secret ballot means that someone can happily accept a favour like a drink, and then vote against whoever has supplied it. (And that’s why, although I readily admit that there are circumstances when mail-in ballots are necessary, I don’t like them as a regular thing, since they do away with the protections that a regular voting place offers against vote buying. A vote that can’t be proved is one that can’t be bought. But that’s a whole different discussion.)
It seems obvious to me, though, that the real problem here is not handing out water, but rather the long lines—brought about by lack of adequate voting facilities and other voter-suppression tactics, especially in some areas—that make it necessary to be in line long enough to get thirsty.
In our last Canadian election I voted at an advance poll. There was more of a line-up than there usually is, so it took me a whole 20 minutes from lining up to finishing.
OK, so here, FWIW, is the official explanation of this law, according to a Georgia Republican lawmaker I heard on the radio: Electioneering is prohibited at polling places. (This is pretty much the law everywhere, or should be.) The line into a polling place is considered PART of the polling place. People handing out water to folks in line were (reportedly) also engaging the voters in conversations about candidates in what was considered violation of existing law. (Bear in mind, this can cut both ways. Republicans can just as easily hand out water and talk up their candidates as well as Democrats.)
If providing water to people in line is the actual goal and not just trying to skirt electioneering laws, it’s suggested that you set up a canopy and a table somewhere convenient to but not ON the polling place property so voters can stop by and pick up a bottle of water on their way to the line. There would be no legal issue with this.
I write this not to advocate for the law, just providing a rationale for it beyond “evil racist Republicans”. No, I’m not a Republican – just interested in exploring all sides of an issue.
The trolls try to deflect their racism and fascism, blame it on those who oppose limiting the voting opportunities of communities that have had their polling places greatly reduced. The Turd Reich only wants to keep communities already pretty depressed by redlining and poverty (the War on the Poor in full swing) from having the right to vote. Nothing has changed in decades. The racists still try to pull forms of seperate but equal Jim Crow BS by claiming voter fraud that only exists where over 90% of the cases are reThuglicans caught for it. No proof, no court cases support their claims. Almost none where they aren’t the ones caught. But they never stop the lies and propaganda. And the Jim Crow they keep pushing never ends.
BE THIS GUY over 2 years ago
Boopsie was a campaign volunteer for McGovern in 1972. She and BD broke up over it.
They reconciled.
DennisinSeattle Premium Member over 2 years ago
Good job, Boopsie, and Zonker.
timmorton616 over 2 years ago
There’s a simple answer, more polling stations
shanen0 over 2 years ago
Not a bad idea except that it will be too late at that time. All the fake Republicans need is one solid victory and then they can finish rigging the game to effectively outlaw competitive elections. Proof of concepts in Russia under Stalin and Putin and Germany under a certain fellow with a mustache…
taxidancer over 2 years ago
The law doesn’t prohibit giving out water, what the people involved were doing was handing out water while wearing political buttons and campaign indicative paraphenalia, which is prohibited within a certain distance from the polling place. But it’s easier for Trudeau to make a false claim than to explain the truth, just like the rest of the media who made the same false claims.
Walter Kocker Premium Member over 2 years ago
I keep posting this – over and over:
" . . . Under the bill, signed into law Thursday night by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, it’s now illegal to hand out food or water to people standing in line to vote.
*"No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector," the new law states.
The law applies within 150 feet of a polling place or within 25 feet of any voter at a polling place. Violators are guilty of a misdemeanor.*
nicka93 over 2 years ago
There are many big lie’s, and hatreds abound, possibly the biggest lie is it’s all one “groups” fault, think of who now is getting the most befits from the hatred.
burkeen over 2 years ago
Maybe she should help the Democrat-run counties better organize their voting so people aren’t standing in line for two hours.
Susan00100 over 2 years ago
That’s Sam??
I thought it was Boopsie!!
Man do kids grow up fast!!
Susan00100 over 2 years ago
I’m a bit disappointed in today’s strip.
I had hoped it would have pertained to Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine—and Trump’s possible influence in it!!
Liam Astle Premium Member over 2 years ago
By then Atlanta might not still be around.
rmercer Premium Member over 2 years ago
Maybe just me, but when I’m waiting in line to vote, the LAST thing I want is water!! For reason that should be obvious…. Then again, I’m pretty sure it’s not just me!
russef over 2 years ago
Now we know why Georgias always on our minds.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 2 years ago
Vote Democratic or the terrorists win!!! 29 states have passed laws to suppress voting. If you don’t vote Democratic, yours will be next.
RonaldByrd over 2 years ago
A few years back, the strip revealed that Samantha identifies as gender-fluid, and neither B.D. nor Boopsie knew what that meant.
Too bad the days of week-long storylines are long gone (only reprints now), since if Sam had such a storyline coming up, I’d be curious to eventually see how GBT depicts gender-fluidity — not everyone defines it the same way, y’know - and how many readers would agree or disagree with said depiction…and how strongly. All in the name of civilized discourse, obviously. ;)
As things stand, it might be months or even years before we hear about Sam again. :-|
mourdac Premium Member over 2 years ago
The latest version of “So you’d like to register to vote. Okay, a little test. How many people live in our county? Name them in alphabetical order”.
RonaldByrd over 2 years ago
“How can you live in such a society?”
Not having the money necessary to move to another one is a large piece of the puzzle. Not having the energy necessary to do so is an even larger one. Chronic depression and low income play upon each other like a substandard simile that’s not actually occurring to me at the moment. :-|
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 2 years ago
I love Ray. And Boopsie.
paul GROSS Premium Member over 2 years ago
Cue Don Quixote
Masterskrain over 2 years ago
You notice that the Charter agent is worried about the bus being fire-bombed in Georgia, and who would she be worrying about bombing the bus?? It ain’t the Democrats, that’s for sure…
mindjob over 2 years ago
And I thought everyone voted by mail now
Bob Blumenfeld over 2 years ago
This was the kid who had the Sarah Palin doll, right? Or was that Alex?
RonaldByrd over 2 years ago
Maybe someone will hire a clown to run around spraying water into people’s faces. Hey, being dressed like a clown was enough to make that shaman guy famous…
donnamay55 over 2 years ago
My local paper always leaves off the first two panels of the Sunday comic. I have to come here to read it.
sugordon over 2 years ago
You have to admire how calmly BD is taking all of this. He’s really matured over the years.
sueb1863 over 2 years ago
I wish they’d done more with Sam. We don’t know her nearly as well as we know Alex.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 2 years ago
There’s a law in Georgia that needs people from California to rent a bus to go to jail? You know, we Montana folk just watch the rest of you on TV and have drinking games, right?
Godfreydaniel over 2 years ago
Here’s the deal: People who are trying to suppress the vote (in many and numerous ways) are betraying the American ideal of one person-one vote. Obviously, I mean legitimate votes, but since deliberate voter fraud is incredibly rare (all intelligent people know this, and all honest people admit this), the vote suppressors are betraying the ideal. Therefore, they are betraying the country. Discuss amongst yourselves.
Aladar30 Premium Member over 2 years ago
HOORAY for Sam!
Godfreydaniel over 2 years ago
I’ve been saying for years that if we’d been electing presidents directly (the way we do for governors, mayors, representatives, and senators since the Constitution was amended) all this time, and somebody suddenly came up with the idea of an “Electoral College” , he would be greeted with scorn and derision. And possibly pelted with rocks and garbage!
MuddyUSA Premium Member over 2 years ago
Voters can carry bottled water. Get real!!!
FassEddie over 2 years ago
That sounds like a great idea! I’m gonna drive down and volunteer!
willie_mctell over 2 years ago
Water ins. Good idea.
shamest Premium Member over 2 years ago
Someone did a good job
swanridge over 2 years ago
Everyone should have had a nanny like Zonker!
Display over 2 years ago
The USA needs voter ID’s? Hmm… The system works well enough to pass lots and lots of voter fraud investigations that cost oodles of time and money, yet turned up a microscopic percentage of voter fraud. Interestingly, the overwhelming majority of those cases were (GASP!) reThuglicans who either did a plea deal, confessed, or were convicted. That includes among other similar cases, the guy who used his dead mom’s ballot because he “just knew she would have wanted to vote for Rump” and the whiz kid who used his wife’s ballot to vote for Rumpy the Evil Clown after he reported her missing – and he is now charged with both murder and voter fraud. Wowser! There’s a future reThuglican nominee for SCOTUS.
The system works as is, and has for years. It’ll work unless someone can come up with a scheme to have millions of forgers trained to copy millions of voters’ signatures that either have to be copied in front of poll workers or would be subjected to human and machine analysis. What sane person (and that’s the real important qualifier in these discussions) thinks that is feasible let alone workable in any way, shape, or form?
So why would anyone want voter ID’s that are hard for people who do not have access to transportation or live in remote areas to get, might require fees under reThuglicans schemes, would require paperwork and legwork that again would not be readily available to some, and so on and so on? Well, some folks have already made it harder for “those people” to get ballots and get to polling places. They have outlawed or made it very difficult to get/use mail-in ballots that the Bulbous Butthole, Melania, their crotch goblins, and in-law leach have themselves used. They’ve closed polling places and ballot drop-off locations.
But the Turd Reich Trolls will try to convince you all of that’s not hypocritical, racists, and fascist. They will try, but they’ll fail.
RonaldByrd over 2 years ago
Ray’s eyes are hidden, as is usually the case with GBT’s “morally ambiguous” characters - Honey, Earl, Jeff as an adult, Sal aka Dr. Whoopie, Zeke, Clyde, and others - depicting them as neither wide-eyed innocents (like Boopsie) nor narrow-eyed cynics (like B.D. and Samantha). That’s not always the case with Ray, though. Deeper meaning?! Probably not.
aluminati over 2 years ago
Knowing not to depend on handouts, a conservative voter would plan ahead and bring their own water. A liberal voter feels entitled to have the whole affair catered by the taxpayer.
Godfreydaniel over 2 years ago
The preceding idiotic post was brought to you by the Godawful Obsolete Party—the party of corporate welfare.
mistercatworks over 2 years ago
Republican water or Democratic water? Is “distilled” a loophole?
JenSolo02 over 2 years ago
I didn’t recognize her! How old is she now?!? Bravo on raising a conscientious human! Are she and Alex the only offspring for that generation? They are fabulous! The “Red Rover” doesn’t count. He’s JJ’s brother and Joanie’s son.
gmadoll789 Premium Member over 2 years ago
…but is it illegal for them to pass water among themselves?
sisterea over 2 years ago
This is the least objectionable part of this law. The part where the legislature gets to pick who won no matter who gets the most votes is a little more important.
WCraft Premium Member over 2 years ago
If they’re passing out ice-cold Perrier Lime, then I’ll gladly vote for whomever’s name is on their subtle campaign buttons.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 2 years ago
Poll worker can provide food and water to those in line, but it’s still a stupid law, which, when challenged is likely to fail constitutionality.
RonaldByrd over 2 years ago
The D. family — Samantha, Boopsie, and “B.” — lives in California, right? Samantha and Boopsie are looking at quite a long bus ride. From California through Arizona through New Mexico through Texas through Louisiana through Mississippi through Alabama and finally into Georgia. Nearly 2500 miles, from sea to shining sea, about 36 hours non-stop and I presume they won’t be traveling non-stop. Eesh.
Perhaps GBT will follow Samantha and Boopsie and company through state after state after state, allowing him to comment on developments within each in turn. Perhaps not.
Age of consent-wise (so I’m a pervert, who said I’m not a pervert? when did I ever tell anyone that I’m not a pervert?) that’s from 18 (CA) to 18 (AZ) to 16 (NM) to 17 (TX) to 17 (LA) to 16 (MS) to 16 (AL) to 16 (GA), the full gauntlet.
Richard S Russell Premium Member over 2 years ago
Y’know, I’d kind of expect that BD and Ray would remember what they were supposed to be fighting for when THEY were in the military.
Wizard of Ahz-no relation over 2 years ago
I didn’t recognize sam at first.
sciencedoc over 2 years ago
It’s only illegal for anyone affiliated with a campaign if you really generously interpret the rule against giving gifts to voters. A nonpartisan group shouldn’t get in any trouble
tbwlbw over 2 years ago
My personal plan is to go sell bottle of water for 1 cent… and I’ll accept IOUs.
cherns Premium Member over 2 years ago
The excuse for making it illegal to hand out food or drink has a legitimate background, that of preventing vote buying. (I remember long ago, when visiting New York City, seeing a puzzling poster advertising that some candidate for some office had “closed all bars on the West Side,” or something like that. Turned out that the candidate had received enough votes for a run-off election, and NY law closed all bars during voting hours.) Vote buying is of course difficult to enforce, since the secret ballot means that someone can happily accept a favour like a drink, and then vote against whoever has supplied it. (And that’s why, although I readily admit that there are circumstances when mail-in ballots are necessary, I don’t like them as a regular thing, since they do away with the protections that a regular voting place offers against vote buying. A vote that can’t be proved is one that can’t be bought. But that’s a whole different discussion.)
It seems obvious to me, though, that the real problem here is not handing out water, but rather the long lines—brought about by lack of adequate voting facilities and other voter-suppression tactics, especially in some areas—that make it necessary to be in line long enough to get thirsty.
In our last Canadian election I voted at an advance poll. There was more of a line-up than there usually is, so it took me a whole 20 minutes from lining up to finishing. over 2 years ago
In Georgia,hand out Coca-Cola instead of water.
If anybody butts in,accuse them of trying to wreck Georgia’s economy.
Droptma Styx over 2 years ago
OK, so here, FWIW, is the official explanation of this law, according to a Georgia Republican lawmaker I heard on the radio: Electioneering is prohibited at polling places. (This is pretty much the law everywhere, or should be.) The line into a polling place is considered PART of the polling place. People handing out water to folks in line were (reportedly) also engaging the voters in conversations about candidates in what was considered violation of existing law. (Bear in mind, this can cut both ways. Republicans can just as easily hand out water and talk up their candidates as well as Democrats.)
If providing water to people in line is the actual goal and not just trying to skirt electioneering laws, it’s suggested that you set up a canopy and a table somewhere convenient to but not ON the polling place property so voters can stop by and pick up a bottle of water on their way to the line. There would be no legal issue with this.
I write this not to advocate for the law, just providing a rationale for it beyond “evil racist Republicans”. No, I’m not a Republican – just interested in exploring all sides of an issue.
Display over 2 years ago
The trolls try to deflect their racism and fascism, blame it on those who oppose limiting the voting opportunities of communities that have had their polling places greatly reduced. The Turd Reich only wants to keep communities already pretty depressed by redlining and poverty (the War on the Poor in full swing) from having the right to vote. Nothing has changed in decades. The racists still try to pull forms of seperate but equal Jim Crow BS by claiming voter fraud that only exists where over 90% of the cases are reThuglicans caught for it. No proof, no court cases support their claims. Almost none where they aren’t the ones caught. But they never stop the lies and propaganda. And the Jim Crow they keep pushing never ends.
MVMartinek over 2 years ago
Is there a law against passing out pennies to the people in line? If not, then do so and charge 1 cent per bottle of water.