Mr. Bukowski also said, “what matters most is how well you walk through the fire." A friend of mine who succumbed to cancer told me that when we were talking about how he was able to keep going despite what was happening to him.
On a different note: Yesterdays comic was an omen of things to come. When I went on-line this morning, my ISP was flaky enough that it might as well be down. Glade I had my back-up.
Tigressy 4 months ago
Is your job done?
The other way round either.
sbenton7684 4 months ago
Don’t leave. You’re one of only a few comic characters that show what life is really about… colorful!!!
Just-me 4 months ago
Mr. Bukowski also said, “what matters most is how well you walk through the fire." A friend of mine who succumbed to cancer told me that when we were talking about how he was able to keep going despite what was happening to him.
ladykat 4 months ago
Works for me.
MuddyUSA Premium Member 4 months ago
Who is Charles Bukows ki?
cuzinron47 4 months ago
I just want what I love to humor me.
cuzinron47 4 months ago
On a different note: Yesterdays comic was an omen of things to come. When I went on-line this morning, my ISP was flaky enough that it might as well be down. Glade I had my back-up.
KEA 4 months ago
He’s read Charles Bukowski?!?