Evidently TGIFridays is using a mistletoe-equipped drone to hover over folks and place them on a kiss-cam in the restaurant. Ummmmm, my problem is: what if I am there with my boss or sibling. Awkward. In general, was never a fan of the kiss-cams at sporting events. Do not get me wrong, I am a fun person, but this pushes the line beyond.
emjaycee almost 10 years ago
Evidently TGIFridays is using a mistletoe-equipped drone to hover over folks and place them on a kiss-cam in the restaurant. Ummmmm, my problem is: what if I am there with my boss or sibling. Awkward. In general, was never a fan of the kiss-cams at sporting events. Do not get me wrong, I am a fun person, but this pushes the line beyond.
Observer fo Irony almost 10 years ago
Artist probably did not know how to draw it or did not know there was a difference between holly and mistletoe.