Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for July 07, 2012

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  almost 12 years ago

    Yeah, that’s how it works.

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  2. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  almost 12 years ago


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  3. Jack benny 02
    Kali39  almost 12 years ago

    Fact check? You’re on FOX, Roland. They don’t do fact checks! They don’t need no stinking fact checks!

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  4. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Well, Romney did capitalize on the situation.

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    WaitingMan  almost 12 years ago

    As I said at another strip earlier this week, if you want 25% unemployment and a 40% poverty rate, vote Romney in November. Not to worry, all of his rich friends will do just fine. Everyone else, eh, not so well.

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    cdward  almost 12 years ago

    What absurdity. How about just taxing them at 50%. Did you know that 50% of a billion isn’t poverty?

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    cdward  almost 12 years ago

    You know, there are many sources of information out there. If you’re not using several, including at least one or two foreign news sources, then you’re just being lazy.

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    JosephBidenJr99  almost 12 years ago

    Does this also apply to George Soros?

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  9. Asa
    asa4ever  almost 12 years ago

    Isn’t it a shame that we can’t post exactly what we feel or would end up in Gitmo, like the article that Newsvine might publish today under “asa4ever” in not news. No, it would not be the first time I was questioned by fedeal suits.

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    puddleglum1066  almost 12 years ago

    Actually, Roland’s hit (by accident, of course) on one of those paradoxical truths of economics: a little socialism at home can help a country compete in a global capitalist market. Why do you think such iconic “American” cars as the Chrysler 300 (the car Mitt Romney pretended to drive in one of his campaign ads) are assembled in Canada? Because their socialized medicine saves Chrysler something like $2-3000 per car compared to having Chrysler provide health care to its employees (even though that health care is relatively poor compared to the Canadian plan).

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  11. Me one at home june 2009
    DavidMac  almost 12 years ago

    There’s more millionaire leftists/socialists in the US Congress than millionaire Republicans.

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  12. Me one at home june 2009
    DavidMac  almost 12 years ago

    What about taxing the 47% who don’t pay ANY federal income tax at the same rate I’m taxed?

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    babka Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    …& Japanese goods in electronics and autos were especially appealing because after Hiroshima there was no interest in investing in the military, and the innovation and detail were focused elsewhere. this cartoon is genius.

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  14. Shocking mad magazine cover i loved obama
    stellablu122  almost 12 years ago

    Hey lets not forget that other great job exporter…Steve Jobs.

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    watmiwori  almost 12 years ago

    A politician is a politician is a politician. Would you buy a usedcar from ANY of them????

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    ramonesfan  almost 12 years ago

    How can you stand to be so stupid? Glenn Beck is the ventriloquist, and you’re the dummy

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  17. Shocking mad magazine cover i loved obama
    stellablu122  almost 12 years ago

    Or just have him or her pay their fair share in taxes ;)

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  18. Bgfcvvesve4ipojsr
    Gokie5  almost 12 years ago

    Good point, and well written. Love your “blatherskite”!

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    Doughfoot  almost 12 years ago

    Of course Warren Buffett, George Soros, and Nick Hanauer should be taxed at a higher rate: as they themselves admit, and are willing to be. They are honest enough to admit that they owe a great deal to their country. Patriots are people willing to make sacrifices for the benefit of their fellow Americans. But if you think that each person is the best judge of what sacrifices he should make, the best judge of what he should be paying to support his country, then we can abolish taxes altogether. I’m sure those of you who whine when monetary sacrifices are asked of you for the general good would be willing to trust in the good sense of the American people to freely, and without compulsion, donate enough money to the country to do all the necessary work of a modern nation. Personally, I’m not that noble or patriotic. I am willing to bear my fair share of the burden of the national expenses, but less so when I see others evading, bitching, and whining. I require some assurance that all my fellow citizens are bearing a burden proportional to mine. And I am sorry, if someone brings home $1000 a week, a $100 tax hurts him less than a $30 tax on someone who brings home $300 a week. And hurts a lot more than a $1000 tax on someone who brings home $10,000 a week.

    When income taxes were begun, it was understood that most people would not pay them: they would only affect those with higher incomes. Over the years I have heard many on the right complain how America was betrayed and tricked, so that even people with moderate incomes had to pay income taxes. Now I see a complete flip-flop, and people on the right now complain that not enough people pay income taxes. You’d think they’d be pleased! I can imagine a situation in which the rich are taxed too much and the middle class taxed too little. I don’t see us in anything like that situation now. When someone says the 47% are taxed too little and the 1% are taxed too much, I wonder if they really consider what they are saying? That the Romneys pay too much and their housekeepers pay too little. Really? Personally, I would like to see the federal income tax code greatly simplified, even flattened, if I could see a scheme that wasn’t a stealth program that in the end would mostly benefit those at the top, like the so-called “Fair Tax” that has been proposed, that would tax the purchase of a Walmart painting of Elvis on Velvet, but not a Rembrandt. I would like to see an end to a whole plethora of subsidies (a.k.a. deductions) that distort the market. But adopting such a scheme would be to buy a pig in a poke, it would take a while before we could implement a radical change and see its effects. Look at the modest change that the ACA represents, and the way people talk about it, as a Panacea or a Take-Over; of which it is neither. So lets stop pretending, and work on ways to tweak the system to make it more just.

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    Doughfoot  almost 12 years ago

    You owe me a hundred dollars. I owe you ten. We can settle in one of two ways. Either you can deduct the ten from the hundred and hand me $90. Or you can give me the hundred and I will pay you back ten therefrom. If we were talking about taxes and money due, the first method is called “providing a tax deduction” and the second method is call “providing a subsidy.”The end result is the same: out of that hundred, I have $90 and you have $10. Every tax deduction is a subsidy. This is a point I am amazed so many people don’t get. Change the name, change the procedure, but the underlying nature is precisely the same.

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  21. Bretzilla
    baahaus Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Spot on. Thank you.

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  22. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Ah yes, unions. Rather a quaint old form of extorsion, don’t you think? Probably reason 1 why American companies outsource jobs.

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    rroush Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    It would be nice if some hacker managed to clean out the Koch Brothers, et al.

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  24. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    Simple fact: Feudal lords taxed the poor, worked them to death, and provided no benefits for them, while they lived, literally, “high off the hog”, in castles and also let the poor die to defend them.

    That is exactly “Robme economics” as practiced by latter day “republicans”. Exporting jobs, while complaining with crocodile tears flowing, IS “socialism”, supporting “high society”.

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    Muxmaster  almost 12 years ago

    Wait a minute, Fox News checking a fact? Somebody’s going to be fired for that. Fair and unbalanced.

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  26. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 12 years ago

    You have to admit, Romney is a pioneer when it comes to outsourcing jobs. The middle class fools who would vote for him are his likeliest victims.

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    btbass2 Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    To Jonesb, well Prez Clinton left GW Bush a surplus – yes a surplus. GWB got us into two wars that were “off books” that have run up something in the neighborhood of 2 trillion dollars of debt. Prez Obama inherited an economic disaster due to problems created by GW Bush’s lax oversight and tax breaks for the wealthy (another trillion in debt over a decade). Not a pretty scenario for any of us.

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    DavyG  almost 12 years ago

    @spyderred – Calling China “communist” nowadays is a serious oversimplification. Private enterprise is encouraged, from heavy industry to the guy selling post cards at the Great Wall. “To grow rich is glorious,” according to Deng Xiao Ping. While the government is still very much totalitarian and under the control of the Communist Party, private enterprise is rapidly replacing state-run industries.

    Now that I think about it, I’m not sure the Chinese Communist Party can actually claim to be ‘communist’ anymore. What do you call it if you take the much of the socialist element out of communism? Does it become fascism?

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    eadn  almost 12 years ago

    If the Chinese Communist Party is no longer socialist, then it’s an oligarchy…rule by the few.

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    DavyG  almost 12 years ago

    It’s always been an oligarchy. In the Mao era, the “few” that really ruled could probably be counted on your fingers. It still isn’t many.

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  31. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Anybody who’s actually READ Marx knows that there has never been a nation that came anywhere NEAR to TRYING to enact communism.They enacted some socialist policies, but overall the Revolutionaries put themselves in the positions of the previous rulers, used a few Marxist buzzwords, and kept everything working the way it always had under the Czars, Batistas, Emperors, whathaveyou.

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    GasHouseGorilla  almost 12 years ago

    I think it’s so funny that Romney said this, and yet, companies like Apple have their ipods & iphones made in China despite the fact they build all these stores for their workers. Apple has to comply with the Chinese government regs.

    Let’s face it, if I need a product that’s low priced and if I’m on low income, I would try to buy American. But, I will not buy something that’s made in the USA by a Union. Unions are crooked, they tell you how to vote, and what to do.Heck, if Lionel trains didn’t move their products to China 10 years ago, Lionel would be out of business! Right now, Lionel products from China is just as good as it was in Mount Clemends, Michigan (I think that’s how you spell.) Liberals are hypocrical!

    Finally, I would rather watch FOX NEWS than the garbage that’s on MSNBC, CNN, and the rest of the manure that comes on these stations. Liberals will jump for joy if our government will outlaw FOX, conservative radio, and the internet. That my friend if that happens, is tyranny. We let you speak your mind, but you tell us to shut up!

    How’s that, Mr Trudeau an Mr. Doonesbury?

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  33. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  almost 12 years ago

    Now I know you are ignorant fool. I have worked and trained people in call centers in New York, Nova Scotia, and Ohio. None of them were unionized. Anything you say has zero value.

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    tigre1  almost 12 years ago

    Jonesy, (jonesb) if you don’t know, I ain’t a-gonna tell you. One thing you have done for me today, though. I now know that there are such things as STUPID QUESTIONS. Thanks for clearing that up.

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    Spaghettus1  almost 12 years ago

    Show me a quote on that promise.

    Yes, the crash that happened before Obama took office cost us millions of jobs. Whenever the GOP decides to stop playing obstructionists and allow some assistance to pass, we can do a little something about it.

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    Spaghettus1  almost 12 years ago

    Unemployment was shooting up like a rocket when Bush left office. It hit 9.4 in May, well before any of Obama’s policies had enough time to effect the rate. Blaming Obama for the job losses of early ’09 shows a lack of understanding of the basics of the modern economy.

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    Spaghettus1  almost 12 years ago

    Among many dumb things, that might be the worst I’ve ever seen you post. Call centers unionized? ALL of them??? Where do you get this wacky info?

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    Spaghettus1  almost 12 years ago

    “Oh, yes he did”…fail.

    See, we’re not going to suddenly believe it because you say it a second time. don’t want to hear YOU say it again, we want you to show us where President Obama said it. You can’t, because he didn’t.

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    Spaghettus1  almost 12 years ago

    “They popped the bubble during the election to hurt Senator McCain just when McCain was leading.”

    What? Gotta good laugh outta that one.

    You really think the Dems created the bubble, and orchestrated the crash to hurt McCain? Wow, I’ve seen some wacky theories out there, but that may beat them all.

    The Dems can’t pass what they want when they have a majority in both houses and the Presidency. How the hell did they keep this evil plan going when the GOP retained control most of the previous decade, when the bubble was expanding and popping? Was Bush so dumb he couldn’t see what they were doing right in front of his face? If he could, where were the vetos?

    Actually, I’m not sure why I’m responding to you. You have truly shown yourself to be so far into your ultra-right religion, reason means nothing to you.

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