Jeff Stahler for July 08, 2011

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    Ron Wyden found this out some decades ago with the gray panthers. The real problem is they’re a lot easier to get along with, and find resolution with, than the current “Republican leadership”- it’s time for THEM to “ship out”.(and stop accommodating them!!)

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    dfowensby  almost 13 years ago

    2 things about the ‘grays’ now: itś the most heavily conservative voting block (and highest percentage of registered voters by age group), and it’s the majority age group of the voting-age adults in the nation. itś also the largest group that DIDN’T vote in 2008. that election was the 2nd lousiest turnout in recent history. bho better crank it up, or one of the gop comedy acts may win…

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    bigal666  almost 13 years ago

    Wanna reform social security? Put it back the way it was, where all money collected goes into sociall security instead of the general fund. That will keep the idiot’s hands off of it.

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    Justice22  almost 13 years ago

    Remove the cap on SS contributions. At present it is limited to earnings of $106,800. Those people who earned over the limit, draw more in benefits than those who earned less. Thus they also draw more out than they pay in. (There is no minimum monthly benefit.)

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    keechum  almost 13 years ago

    I think you got the guy on the floor wrong. It should be the Republican House of Representatives

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