ViewsAmerica by Cartoon Movement-US for August 20, 2009

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Why DID the republicrats refuse to negotiate prices for drugs for Medicare? Right, campaign funds!

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    ynnek58  over 14 years ago


    No mystery there eh. Money talks, BS walks.

    UT bigg3469 – pretty lame as poor folk only collect free stuff – ‘rich’ (as defined by those that have a little money left over at the end of the month) pay the taxes.

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    Magnaut  over 14 years ago

    Why worry about costs when you can ignore the flow to illegals, the need for tort refom and the overhead cost of fighting insurance companiesINCLUDING GOV”T INSURANCE?

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  4. Stitch
    dshepard  over 14 years ago

    Great toon…hits the nail on the head.

    They see in Singapore what many Liberals don’t care to admit.

    This government healthcare thing is an incredibly expensive and unsustainable proposal. Our government has naught a clue what their proposal is really going to cost…just like they did with cash-for-clunkers…far underestimate the cost. They’re shutting the program down a month early because it is again out of funds.

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    ynnek58  over 14 years ago

    This is because we consistently elect pompous baboons to represent us in government (are they the only ones willing to run?) who have the math skills of a first grader. Just like social security – the day it was conceived it was mathematically untenable. Had the dopes that passed it had any understanding of math, it would have looked much different (your fund is yours etc). If I were to start a system like SS today, I would go to jail in all fifty states, yet all the old people are like “but the promised us” Put a sock in it and go live with your kids if you can’t afford to be independent.

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    ynnek58  over 14 years ago

    I’ve already agreed a single very basic plan might be cheaper, and it will be better for folks that haven’t got any coverage. In the end, some of us who want decent care will have to pay twice – probably not a problem for you. Somehow, government seems to screw up nearly everything they do, and none of the socialistic systems are without problems (which is pretty obvious). I will say this, and you can tack it on your wall – it will cost WAY more than they are suggesting now – they should just be honest about that.

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    rekam Premium Member over 14 years ago

    ynnek58: You say we seniors should go live with our kids. What are those of us who have no kids supposed to do, just curl up and die?

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    ynnek58  over 14 years ago

    no, we have medicare, so you should be covered there, and hopefully you had the life of an ant rather than a grasshopper.

    My kids have cost me a bundle, so I assume you were somehow able to save more because you didn’t have that expense. At $200K/child, which was the recent figure in the news (actually a bit north of that). Just the average of 2 kids plus interest etc. should have netted you a fair start toward retirement. We have programs for the truly indegent, if it comes to that. Also, there are some private programs like meals-on-wheels and other community-based programs – check your local listings.

    BTW, did no one notice? We are not talking about a single payer system, just adding 47E6 people to the system we have now by buying them insurance with government (tax) money, thus transferring even more money to the insurance companies (Obama’s a genious).

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  9. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  over 14 years ago

    “This government healthcare thing is an incredibly expensive and unsustainable proposal”

    Right, only countries that have it pay less for it. Google how much healthcare is as a proportion of the overall GDP in the UK or New Zealand.

    @ ynnek58 : Countries with government-dominated system tend to be fairly rare, but by and large make do for the majority of their population, not just the poorest ones. The problem are not the private actors, however; it is that they are profit-based bodies. Countries such as Germany, France, iirc Switzerland and others all have universal coverage executed by non-state agents. They have fairly good services (in general, they rank higher than the US in most surveys I’ve seen) and a lower price per person per year. The difference is that there, the funds that manage the health insurance of the people focus on doing just that, not on how much money they can make for themselves.

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