Pat Oliphant for February 12, 2009

  1. Image013
    believecommonsense  about 15 years ago

    i remember the actual words said to a GWB appointee who was the former executive director of the Arabian Horse Association: “Brownie, you’re doing a heckuva job.”

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  2. 5a65
    redheadsandrazorbacks  about 15 years ago


    do you remember how barney frank used to tell us how strong fannie and freddie were?

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  3. Smedicon2
    MacZenWES  about 15 years ago

    The flack about Fannie and Freddie are a Repugnican smoke screen. It was the loosening of the leverage ratio limits on the investment bans in 2003 that sent us to the edge of this cliff.

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  4. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  about 15 years ago

    … dey wuz !

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  5. New bitmap image
    NoFearPup  about 15 years ago

    Are you people expecting a consensus or even a firm belief statement on ANYTHING from a Lib? Alternate ending: Damsel in distress cuts rope with tortoise-shell hair comb and sneaks away while Dragon toasts the Lib. After losing the Babe and nearly his life, the Intrepid Lib has a bright idea, “I’ll do it the Republican Way!” He then restores stability to the financial markets and becomes the latest to become a “Lib-Genius”.

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  6. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  about 15 years ago

    The trouble is…this whole thing did NOT begin and end with Fannie and Freddie.

    And are you guys trying to tell me that the same Republican Congress that rammed the bankruptcy bill through at 3AM couldn’t have tightened the strings on Fannie and Freddie if they’d WANTED to?


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  7. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  about 15 years ago

    fennec, it would be interesting to learn just how much of the housing bubble “floated” overseas to Europe and the far east. Hear an awful lot being mentioned but only vague figgures.

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  8. 5a65
    redheadsandrazorbacks  about 15 years ago

    what you all seem to fail to realize is that there are crooked bass-turds on both sides of the aisle and none of them are looking out for anything other than their very own back-sides and retirement plans.

    Barney frank is a hack that couldnt even see a male prostitute ring that was being run out of his own house while the Bush administration was beholden to the credit card companies and gave them the keys to the vault while Liberal sycophants screamed and yelled about stolen elections and oil companies.

    Personally, i hope that this ginormous government spending plan actually works because if it doesnt, i dont think we’ve got another 800 billion laying about.

    Ive got torches and pitchforks though!!!

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  9. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 15 years ago

    Iceland’s government collapsed because of the financial crisis – they, too, went overboard, largely with British savings, too. Everyone’s hit.

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  10. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  about 15 years ago

    oldie you’ve posted this youtube link before. I checed and the numbers don’t add up, it’s a spoof.

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  11. Image013
    believecommonsense  about 15 years ago

    oldlego, I don’t have a lot of use for Barney F either … I saw him interviewed on 60 Minutes and when asked about how people who acted responsibly and didn’t buy into the whole mortgage mess might feel about having to bailout those who acted irresponsibly, Frank said something to the effect of tough, life’s not fair, get over it…. i disagree … we need much more personal accountability in this country, and not reward those who won’t accept the consequences of their own actions

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  12. Smedicon2
    MacZenWES  about 15 years ago

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