Rob Rogers for November 17, 2021

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 2 years ago

    It is not the work of a single person that matters, but the combined effort of all of us that will get us there.

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  2. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  over 2 years ago

    Irony that meteor killed the dinosaurs and now the dinosaurs are killing us

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    jessie d. Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Ironically, that’s the source of oil, the decayed bodies of dinosaurs.

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    PraiseofFolly  over 2 years ago

    Ironic, too, that the famous Sinclair Oil dinosaur logo is GREEN.

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    akachman Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Interesting: dinosaurs finally get a chance to come back after we’re all wiped out? Might work.

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  6. Rick and morty 91d86486 2737 4e8f a1ca 8e1b1ed1070d
    sevaar777  over 2 years ago

    The attendees at all the climate crisis “summits” (e. g. COP-OUT 26, etc.) seem to be full of hot air and nothing else. Can’t we use them as an energy source? /s.

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    FrankErnesto  over 2 years ago

    We can kick that can down the road only so far, and then it will be too late.

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    The Nodding Head  over 2 years ago

    Cataclysmic change threatens life on the planet.

    Masses of people demand action.

    A few people leverage political influence to obstruct, dilute, and delay.


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  9. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima  over 2 years ago

    I wish it was fake news.

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  10. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Feel free to stop cooking your food and warming your houses. And, for heaven’s sake stop flying.

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  11. Avt freyjaw winter48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member over 2 years ago

    At least they try. Rethugliecons don’t even do that.

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    preacherman  over 2 years ago

    Rob has nailed the COP26 summit for being just talk, talk, talk. But, much of the reason for this talk, talk, talk is because the leaders there work in democracies. Had they been dictators or monarchs, much like China and Russia, who didn’t make it to the meeting, they could just make it so. But, getting things out of democracies takes time to pass their representative bodies. Still, it’s good to know that most of the meeting leaders are behind doing what needs to be done to curb climate change. Unfortunately, their proposals didn’t sound much like what the youth movement wants such as eliminating fossil fuel use and totally embracing alternative energy.

    But, each of us can do our part to reduce CO2 emissions. I have an EV, a 2015 Nissan Leaf, and though I still have a truck using ICE it is seldom used. I do heat with natural gas, but I only heat half of the house, and, during some of the day or night I may only heat two rooms. With a few exceptions all my light sources use CFL’s and LED’s. I don’t use a clothes dryer and prefer to dry my clothes over the heater or outside. I recycle and re-purpose whenever possible.

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  13. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Climate change will become the King of Terror and we won’t be able to stop it.

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    Ammo is on a break Premium Member over 2 years ago

    When China pops some Nukes to take Taiwan that Nuclear Winter will cool things off nicely. Honestly what will happen to America and the West hamstrings itself while China , India and Russia take over the world through economic dominance because we still buy their garbage at Wally World & Target. Biden’s “Good Friend” Xi is taking Joe’s Lunch Money. Where is Cornpop and a Chain to teach them a lesson ? Brandon is a Paper Tiger ill-equipped to deal with real tough guys like Xi ,Putin or Kim Jong-un.

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  15. Tf 117
    RAGs  over 2 years ago

    Ken Ham says that there are no such things as fossil fuels because the world is only 6,000 years old and that what we call fossils were put there by Satan to lead us astray. Maybe there is a place for him in the RNC.

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    ferddo  over 2 years ago

    Eventually, the fossil fuel industry will run out of resources and die out on its own. The question is, how many of us will it try to take with it?

    Since oil is a limited and dwindling resource, why do people reject trying to conserve it and to use other resources in place of it where we can – so that what remains lasts longer? The only answer I can come up with is “keeping the status quo”. Does anybody else have a lucid response?

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  17. Animals being weird
    wildthing  over 2 years ago

    They’re saying we have ten years to prevent irreversable collapse, I think the scientists are too conservative, it was too late ten years ago. Earth has already responded with self reinforcing feedback loops, hang onto your hats people.

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