Nick Anderson for September 17, 2021

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    Striped Cat  over 2 years ago

    The elephant is only really concerned about corporate quarterly numbers.

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    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Be afraid of lying vote canceling republicans, be very afraid.

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    ferddo  over 2 years ago

    The elephant sure wasn’t concerned about the national debt while the Former Guy was building it up even more…

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    SammySnyder  over 2 years ago

    Be wary of anyone peddling fear, from the global warming panic to the seasonal flu panic to the climbing debt panic. All problems nobody really wants to solve because it makes money for this or that contributor.

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    smartgrr  over 2 years ago

    The GOP don’t seem to have any problems spending taxpayer money when it comes to recalls, recounts, or investigating “election fraud” and the Clintons.

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    RAGs  over 2 years ago

    Let’s be honest, it is Global Warming, yes the climate is changing much faster than is natural, but the change is that the average temperature of the Earth is rapidly rising enough to melt glaciers and ice caps at a time when, going by past climate swings, we should be getting colder while slowly moving into an ice age. Evangelical/republican fake science is claiming that the change is “natural” and “can not be caused by human activities”. I guess that this is the same way we don’t have to worry about a war with nuclear weapons causing any major damage to the Earth, since that too would be man made change.

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The Trump / Republican 2017 tax bill greatly increased the debt and deficit and corporations used the money for stock buybacks, just like they said they would. Since interest rates have been kept low, companies borrowed more to buy back more stock, which is what they give to execs as INCOME (but they don’t call it that) so the execs can borrow against it at the low interest rates to keep their taxes even lower.

    WI’s Ron Johnson insisted that an additional tax break for “pass thru” corporations or he would vote against this, this was to appease some of his major donors and cut tax revenue even more.

    The Republicans were still making notes in the margins DURING the vote on this garbage bill.

    Higher corporate tax rates induced execs to invest money in their companies and their employees (e.g. pay, benefits and continual training) to lower their tax liability.

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    jvscanlan Premium Member over 2 years ago

    GOP economic policy: Let China kick our ass

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    bakana  over 2 years ago

    Even More scared of all the RepubliQuans who piled up that Debt in the first place.

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    DenO Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Republicans and Democrats have been piling up the debt for as long as I have been alive. It will take leadership and painful legislation to change course. Solving global warming takes a global commitment. I don’t expect either problem to be fixed in my lifetime with the current cast of characters in Washington. Our grandchildren are doomed.

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  11. Britstones
    Boomer Premium Member over 2 years ago

    While I like the message in principle, the elephant is unrealistic since it is not foaming at the mouth while spewing hate and fear.

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    Display  over 2 years ago

    Advice trolls of the Turd Reich – if you don’t want to get butthurt, don’t give valid reasons for the overturning of the Texas BS pro-birth/anti-life law, don’t try to tell someone they’re living in a basement when you’ve got so many bat’s in your nasty lil’ belfry, don’t try to tell thinking people who use many sources of information when you’re sticking to media that only blares out the exact same narrow minded disinformation oriented hate-filled BS, and please – we’ve had enough of your shiznit about how wonderful the deficit building, anti-humanity, anti-life, misogynist, racist, chaos loving Turd Reich is. We fact check & bias check your lies and disinformation into the next galaxy even when you never even try to post the cheapest, weakest, “I saw it on Facebook while taking a dump after a three day TacoBell binge” wackadoodle ravings, let alone something you get from Newsmax, Faux, OAN, or any other media equivalent of chlamydia with a side order of tertiary syphilis. Just go play your “Mein Ksmpf is better than your Kampf” someplace else. The adults want some time to talk amongst themselves.

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    FreyjaRN Premium Member over 2 years ago

    It sounds like a typical QOP member.

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    Suede Civilian  over 2 years ago

    No, I’m terrified of the Debt the reckless, partisan spending of the Republican party has left for our children to add to the increased cost of living in a world that’s doing its best to wipe us out, thanks to the Plutocratic Parasites destroying the ecology we depend on.

    The responsible spending that the Democrats are doing now will pay for itself long before our kids grow up.

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    ncorgbl  over 2 years ago

    You didn’t complain when Reagan did it. Or Bush2.

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    KenseidenXL  over 2 years ago

    Given that their economic policies are the reason why we can’t stop the coming mass extinction, they are one of the greatest threats to all humankind.

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    Kilrwat Premium Member over 2 years ago

    So Biden’s being blamed for Trump’s revenue-killing tax cut?

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    Cheryl Kuhnert  over 2 years ago

    I didn’t like the politics of Republicans who were in government before but I respected that they were mostly doing what they believed was best for their region or even the country. Now I just assume they are bottom dwelling balls of greed.

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    mise féin  over 2 years ago

    How come they didn’t care about the debt while Trump was president? i.e. tax cuts for businesses and the wealthy were ok?

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