Chris Britt for May 07, 2021

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    ferddo  almost 3 years ago

    If the public pushes back against this, Trump will claim that those elephants are all members of Antifa…

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    DrDon1  almost 3 years ago

    GOP has truly become the Know & Do Nothing Party, pushing all of America into the Swamp of Selfishness!

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  3. P1020186
    Jujeebean  almost 3 years ago

    Lie or Die definitely sums it up. The mouths of the elephants remind me of the Blue Meanies in the Beatles Yellow Submarine movie.

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  4. Triumph
    Daeder  almost 3 years ago

    The truth shall set you free from living among the GQP.

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    Terdarian  almost 3 years ago

    I am hoping that this becomes a defining moment for the former republican party. We could hopefully see a breaking of the conservatives with their heads in reality and the qpublicans who want to go to lielie land. If even a small percentage stay with reality that could be the start of end for the lying liars. It won’t happen quickly, but any crack in their crazy land facade will help move some of the 74 million back to middle and away from the orange liar.

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  6. Erikeye
    tabby  almost 3 years ago

    ^^ How on earth do some people expect anyone to swallow their BS when they post such incredible garbage as “it is a well known face that President Trump never had kids in cages just Obummer and Bite me Biden.”

    He wants proof that the GQP are ousting Cheney for her lack of supporting Trump? Really?

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    twclix  almost 3 years ago

    Brilliant Chris! As usual, spot on.

    That’s the thing with Chris Britt. EVERYTHING he draws is stripped down to the hard cold facts.

    When the right wing Q nuts see his stuff, they go crazy. Their entire beings curl up and they start to shake uncontrollably. They have to immediately attack, and lie. Then they go back to their cult for some sympathy.

    “Tucker, my hero, say sweet lies to me again. Help me stay in my cultish cocoon, please, Tucker, I’m begging you. Now that Rush is dead, I need my lies!!!”

    Case in point: “John Baggett.”

    Talk about triggered snowflakes!!

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  8. Triumph
    Daeder  almost 3 years ago


    You want some “garbage” to be proven, huh? How about your BS about Nancy Pelosi sending BLM and Antifa agents to pretend to be a conservative mob attacking the capitol? Shall we try and prove that conspiracy theory?

    Tell us more about pizzagate, or the Sandy Hook acting troupe, or tracking microchips in vaccines…

    Meanwhile, this cartoon is only dealing in real world issues we’re seeing unfold in front of our very eyes. Cheney and Romney are being scapegoated by the GQP for not believing the “Big Cow Pie”.

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  9. Girlyman throw
    359mxn  almost 3 years ago

    Never forget always remember.

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