Lisa Benson for April 28, 2021

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    Judge Magney  almost 3 years ago


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    RAGs  almost 3 years ago

    1- The lack of unity is because the republicans have already said that they will not work with the Democrats.

    2- The republicans have already tried as hard as they could to destroy any prosperity by spending as much as they could while cutting taxes on the rich, who would have paid in the most, which is appropriate since they use the most resources.

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  3. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Repugnant republicans give tax breaks for the ultra rich’s prosperity.

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    DD Wiz Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Joe Biden is proposing ONE SMALL STEP in the direction of a partial return to the taxation and economic policies that powered the most prosperous period of our nation’s history. Biden is proposing higher marginal tax rates on the highest levels of income for the few richest elites and corporations, as well as tightening enforcement of the existing tax laws for those at the top.

    No tax increases Biden has proposed will reach anyone making less than $400,000 a year and in recent days some of Biden’s top economic advisors have given interviews explaining exactly how proposed increases at the top and closing loopholes will fully cover his spending proposals — spending proposals that INVEST in infrastructure designed to fuel economic productivity and further pay for itself by expanding the tax base and creating a larger pie for everyone.

    The greatest period of broad-based, widespread middle class prosperity was a combination of strong pro-labor policy (strong unions and minimum wage policy), strong consumer protection and, yes, equitable taxation — lower taxes on working people and higher MARGINAL tax rates on the PORTION of income that reached up to elite levels of wealth.

    From 1951 to 1964, the top marginal rate (out of 13 brackets) fluctuated between 90% and 94%; never below 90%. The wealthy only paid the top rate on the PORTION of income in the top income layer (bracket), after deductions.

    In 1963 JFK proposed lowering the top marginal rate to 70%, which his successor, LBJ enacted in February of 1964.

    From 1964 to 1981 the top marginal rate was mostly 70%, though for a while LBJ raised it to 77%.

    This combined period from 1951 to 1980 was the period of GREATEST ECONOMIC GROWTH and broad-based, widespread middle-class prosperity in our nation’s economic history.

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  5. Triumph
    Daeder  almost 3 years ago

    The new GQP stance on economics: “Just say no!”

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    Concretionist  almost 3 years ago

    In fact, if one actually looks at (gasp) facts it becomes clear that the only reasonable way to get to prosperity is to levy reasonable taxes on the rich, who benefit so greatly from having their businesses here in the United States.

    I realize this is anathema to Lisa and her handlers… but I still, usually, believe that the truth will — eventually — out.

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    LookingGlass Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Another one of Liesa’s inane cartoons!!


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    braindead Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Another Republican* cartoonist who will fight like hell to keep billionaires from paying any taxes.

    Her knowledge of economics history matches her analysis skills.

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    GiantShetlandPony  almost 3 years ago

    Work harder, rich people don’t want to pay any taxes.

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    djtenltd  almost 3 years ago

    If that’s the case then it’s about time and long overdue that the rich and wealthy start paying their fair share and leave us poor folks alone for a change!

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    dshans  almost 3 years ago

    There’s a hole in the bucket, dear Lisa, dear Lisa … and it’s the one that drains a disproportionate amount of the bounties reaped from the sweat, toil, and commerce of the majority of slogging souls, all the while raking in the nonproductive windfalls; well provided by sleight-of-hand diversions of tax laws. Those who benefit most should also shoulder most.

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  12. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    O.K. Lisa, how about YOU explain how the various levels of Government from the Federal Level down to your local community are going to pay for things like basic road maintenance, not even new roads, just fixing the ones we have now, as well as other things like maintaining a National Air Traffic control system, Police forces, Fire Departments, Water systems, School systems, and darn near any other aspect of your everyday life WITHOUT money coming in from Taxes. That money doesn’t just “POOF” magically appear in the treasury by itself, but it is there because of Taxes collected.

    The sooner you get your head out of the sand and re-join THE REAL WORLD, the sooner you might actually begin to learn how things ACTUALLY WORK!!

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    imbas5511  almost 3 years ago

    Democrats, Tax and Spend, never gets old.

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    William Bednar Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    So, Lisa, the GOP’s motto of: “grifting our way to prosperity”, is better?

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    Zev   almost 3 years ago

    It means prosperity for all U.S. citizens, not just the ones who live off the revenue generated by working schmoes. There is absolutely no good reason for the wealthiest to not pay their share, especially since they’re the one who benefit most.

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    Newenglandah  almost 3 years ago

    No nation in the history of the world has ever “austerity’d” their way to prosperity.

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    davidthoms1  almost 3 years ago

    Well it seems Benson is once again trying to live up to her nickname; lying Lisa.

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    piper_gilbert  almost 3 years ago

    Opponents are protecting the rich. Don’t be fooled.

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    lopaka  almost 3 years ago

    Nice lie, Lisa

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    TomTab2  almost 3 years ago

    The taxes only affect the top 1% – so why are you against it, Lisa? Still a trump supporter?

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    gammaguy  almost 3 years ago

    Lisa, you are taxing my patience with your misrepresentations (and outright lies).

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    There he is a supposed centrist now openly a radical progressive. And don’t look for Antsy Pelosi to tear up his speech!

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    preacherman  almost 3 years ago

    Oddly enough I find myself in agreement with Lisa in this regard. Biden and the dem leadership should avoid any taxation increase, at least not directly. By that I mean that we should get the extra funds to finance our programs by eliminating loopholes in tax law. For instance, take ex-president Dump, who declared almost a billion dollars of losses in his business and was able, completely legal, to right off up to fifteen years of taxes. No doubt this was a law which was designed to help keep businesses from going under when the economy takes a dive. But, it can also be used to shield a business with poor management from getting their just desserts.

    There has been talk of preventing companies from moving their corporate headquarters overseas so as to avoid their tax burden. We don’t need to greatly increase the tax on corporations or even the uber rich, although they should be patriotic enough to pay something. We just need to prevent them from using loopholes that the majority of us are unable to use.

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    wschurchill  almost 3 years ago

    Dear sir, please state your workable alternative to fixing our truthfully crumbling infrastructure. My tires are rebelling against potholes.

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    MG  almost 3 years ago

    As opposed to borrowing our way to prosperity? Debt is the opium of our political system and we’ve been on a high since Ronald Reagan. The higher we get, the farther we will fall. Simple and inevitable.

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    Patrick Murphy Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    They all act like and look the new version of the 3 Stooges, only not as smart.

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    Another Take  almost 3 years ago


    Makes me wonder if I could create a successful political comic by just turning Lisa’s dumb comments around.

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  28. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Has anyone else ever considered the fact that if the Tax rate on someone making just a Million Dollars a year in taxable income is raised from a 24% rate to a 28% rate the additional tax burden will be all of $40,000, or roughly the price of a new Cadillac, or perhaps one or two days profits? Would the average Multi-Millionaire who would think nothing of dropping several Million on Another Yacht REALLY miss that money? Or is it the idea that they might actually have to pay it out in Taxes that they are fighting against??

    Remember, it was Leona Helmsley, “The Queen of Mean” who said:“Taxes? My Dear, only the LITTLE PEOPLE pay taxes!”.

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    gammaguy  almost 3 years ago

    “Taxing our way to prosperity”

    It worked under Eisenhower, but those who benefited the most from the prosperity didn’t escape paying taxes.

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    cocavan11  almost 3 years ago

    Can ANYONE cite a Lisa Benson political cartoon that even TOUCHES on the GOP Leadershit’s $2 Trillion tax break for the 1% (who own, collectively, 36% of our nation’s wealth), thereby putting the burden of financing our national government on the 99% (who own—if overpriced mortgages count as ownership—only 64% of our nation’s wealth), much less SUGGESTS that such a tilting of the marketplace to favor the 1% MIGHT BE SOMEWHAT unfair? Is Benson just flat stupid or do her political cartoons simply confirm that she’s a bought-and-paid-for shill for the GOP Leadershit & the 1%?

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    DrDon1  almost 3 years ago

    Benson is a wonderful mouthpiece for the ‘Do Nothing Party!’

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    ferddo  almost 3 years ago

    Sure, those poor poor destitute rich people shouldn’t have to pay taxes…

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  33. 3holycow
    cbgoldeneagle2  almost 3 years ago

    LMAO you are so full of BullShit

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  34. Pine marten3
    martens  almost 3 years ago

    Sigh…Lisa goes for the maximum simplicity with the minimum of thought again.

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    dafydd liam  almost 3 years ago

    All corporate taxes are going up and will be passed on to all US consumers giving China a competitive advantage.

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    So let’s look at a segment of this wrapping a couple of his policies together. Basically Biden will raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%, with a minimum book tax of 15%. Under Biden’s green new deal new jobs will be created in the renewable energy industry making components for wind and photovoltaic (PV) farms. Most of these components are currently made by China or other countries. So the Biden administration is going to have to encourage corporate America to invest in construction of wind and PV manufacturing facilities. While just being hit with a 28% tax rate. Yeah that’s going to work well. So you say Biden will subsidize and give tax breaks to those companies. Can anyone say Solyndra and remember all the other green energy companies that Obama supported but still went belly up? What’s that definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?

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    BDY  almost 3 years ago

    Gee Lisa, you must make more than $400,000 a year.

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    Radish the wordsmith  almost 3 years ago

    Taxing the rich, making them pay their fair share will benefit all.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Stop the cheating and plug the loopholes and there would be little need to raise taxes

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    jader3rd  almost 3 years ago

    I know that you’re trying to be ironic, but the statement is true. The idea that taxing more brings about more prosperity, but finding where the right balance is, does.

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    ndblackirish97  almost 3 years ago

    Every (male) Republican’s worst nightmare: two women in the 2nd and 3rd most powerful positions in federal government. FDR found great success in taxing the wealthy in order to build our nation; so much the American people elected him four times. If working America didn’t like fair taxation that was used to make America better, FDR would’ve been easily replaced. LMAO! Unfortunately, Biden doesn’t have the gusto to even hold Conservative members o his own party accountable for their obstruction to get stuff done.

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    Deny Crane  almost 3 years ago

    So apparently no one leaving comments here knows simple math. Corporations like Apple, Amazon, Google, etc, can earn billions in annual revenue. If they are taxes around 20% locally, the US can collect 20% of billions of dollars. If you raise their taxes to 30%-50%, then incorporate in OTHER COUNTRIES with lower taxes!!!! This happened from 2009-2016. When they incorporate in other countries, the US will collect 30%-50% of NOTHING!!!!!!!

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    apfelzra Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    If Lisa Benson is part of the 1 percent in this country (who would be most directly impacted by raising income tax rates), she’s grossly overpaid.

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    codak  almost 3 years ago

    Republicans suck up to the rich at every level

    at the state level they are more likely to push for sales taxes

    at the local level “fees”

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    DEACON FRED  almost 3 years ago

    OH?? Where was the outcry when “Chump” cut taxes for the 1%ers??

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  46. Flowergirlavatar
    Flower Girl  almost 3 years ago

    Cute cartoon, Lisa!

    Not an easy issue, though. The original income tax taxed only the rich, and annoyed Sam Clemens enough that he wrote about it. Later, taxing more people looked good, to get more money. It still made (and makes) sense that those who have benefitted most from the U.S. should pay the most, but now that the foreign exchange rate has made it possible to unemploy folks here by paying piddly sums (in U.S. dollars) to Chinese workers while reaping record profits, we have to figure out how to fix that without the rich simply abandoning ship while taking the money with them.

    Ben Franklin was against tariffs, but then, he was in a U.S. that did not yet extend from coast to coast. The opportunities he saw then to get a few acres of land and go into business as a farmer have vanished as agribusiness became Big Business with new technology. We have allowed China to buy up important mineral resources with the money we poured into their economy, making our situation even more difficult.

    We need to construct a manufacturing and trade environment that encourages bringing manufacturing back here to prevent the ultimate political error, becoming dependent on a competing nation for essential military equipment.

    Some of these issues are more basic than left-right wrangling. Any proposed solutions should include them.

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    tebc7220  almost 3 years ago

    There were also major tax breaks available at the time, and no company or individual came anywhere close to paying that amount.

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  48. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Are you watching the Address, Lisa?

    It is time for America to DO things, Lisa. Quit making excuses.

    God bless American democracy.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Old Joe, his administration and the DemocRats are spinning the biggest con job on the American people. All driven for big government and POWER over people!

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  50. 3holycow
    cbgoldeneagle2  almost 3 years ago

    Spending $6.4 trillion dollars will effect every person in the United States so you still are full of Bullshit

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    moderateisntleft  almost 3 years ago

    It’s still better than Trumps method of “Texting Our Way to Unity”. We all saw how well that worked………….

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    David P. McLaughlin  almost 3 years ago

    To DD Wiz: The U.S. Treasury took in the HIGHEST amount of taxes in history in 2019. Why? America FIRST policies of: LOWER taxes for EVERY taxpayer; FAIR trade [with tariffs applied to every country that continued to put tariffs on U.S. products]; fair trade agreements with Canada and Mexico; removal of EXTRA layers of regulations [and the costs of complying with them]; ENCOURAGEMENT of fossil fuel production through fracking [brought energy INDEPENDENCE, AND lower carbon dioxide emissions than other countries];Businesses bringing production BACK to the USA when profits could be made HERE again, generated jobs and MORE TAXPAYERS at the lower rate, and MORE TAX REVENUE! LOWERING taxes ALWAYS does this! [Leaving any economic data AFTER 1980 out of your talking point analysis, is totally bogus!] 2016 through 2020 is history now, and anyone that wants to can review what ACTUALLY happened, including the highest number of Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and WOMEN working in the USA EVER! Biden’s puppet masters who write the “Opposite of Trump” executive orders that he has signed, are proving how fast the USA can be sunk! All the leftist bills that do the OPPOSITE of their titles, such as " The COVID Relief bill" with only 7% of COVID relief in it; “The Infrastructure Bill” with only 9% of infrastructure spending in it, are guaranteed to add ruinous debt, FOR NO BENEFIT!

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    sokke Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Did you mean that women can cheerlead, but, old white men are too important for that?

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  54. Doc and fifi
    BWR  almost 3 years ago

    As usual, the left is full of crap with the claim ‘the rich’ don’t pay their ‘fair share’ (never defined) of taxes.

    In 2021, the top 1% of earners made 21% of all income. They paid 38.5% of total taxes. They paid an average tax rate of 26.8%.

    The bottom 50% of earners paid 3% of taxes, at an average rate of 4%

    The top 5% of earners made 36.5% of income while paying just over 59% of taxes.

    The top 10% made a little under 48% of income while paying a little over 70% of all taxes.

    Souce: The Tax Foundation

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    AllenHudsonVeasman Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    The historic statistics do not match your claim.

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    kratos1963  almost 3 years ago

    someone has to pay. End the labor tax on people that actually work for a living and raise the capital gains tax on the rich. BTW earned income tax credit is corporate welfare. Why should the government pay employees to work at walmart and the dollar general store… Stop taxing people that do the labor that makes America great and start taxing the lazy idiots that live off the fortune their grandparents earned, ie donnie trump. It’s easy to make money when you inherit wealth, not so easy when you have to work 12 hours a day for peanuts. Unbridled capitalism is as evil as communism, both rely on cheap labor.

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