Ted Rall for September 05, 2020

  1. Triumph
    Daeder  over 3 years ago

    Il Douche’s followers will continue to try to debunk comparisons of their chosen one to the fuhrer by pointing out that Individual 1 would never go to war against Russia!

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  2. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 3 years ago

    It’s nice to see Rall making a point I can mostly agree with. Though he IS pushing it to compare the GOP with the Reichstag: One’s a political party, one was the duly (more or less) elected legislators.

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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 3 years ago

    It would be impossible for Trump — or anyone else — to violate Republican* “principles”.

    Republicans* have goals, namely seizing and keeping the most money and power possible. But those are not princples.

    Republicans* have NO principles.



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  4. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 3 years ago

    A quick look back at Rall’s previous column tells me he hasn’t really learned much, but yeah… another 4 more years of Trump is going to make the election of 2028 look like any other “election” in an autocratic regime.

    You going back to picking on Biden for sticking to the middle of the Democratic Party consensus, Ted? That’s what he’s done his entire career.

    The far left refuses to do the hard work of electing people in purple states & Congressional districts. You pat yourselves on the back for electing Cori Bush, who replaces a Rep. who was already on board with M4A. That’s a net zero gain.

    If you want real change, quit pouring your effort into dead end Presidential runs & replacing progressive Democrats with (possibly) slightly more progressive Democrats & win some races in purple districts. If you can’t do that, you aren’t ever going to be relevant.

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  5. Dell pict0002  2
    sartre  over 3 years ago

    One thing to be thankful for: Hitler was 30 years younger than Trump when the Enabling Act was passed. Trump is an overweight 74 year old man who does little or no exercise and eats an unhealthy diet. The way to that man’s heart is through his stomach.

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  6. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 3 years ago
    Heil Hair Furor, Agolf Twitler.
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  7. Img 0536
    akachman Premium Member over 3 years ago

    How frightening. Yet, the tRumpkins continue to bow to their master. Sick and wrong.

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  8. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 3 years ago

    Been telling you Republicans are fascists for a decade now.

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  9. Tj
    • Thomas  over 3 years ago

    Should there come a time when Trump’s government invokes emergency powers – freedom of assembly & speech outlawed, censorship of the press, suspension of habeas corpus, military law, political opposition banned, and other various & onerous dictates —

    The response of the American people will be manifested in ways that will shake the world.

    Civil unrest is far too mild a term for the chaos and disruption to society that will result. A plurality, perhaps even a small majority, of our people will desperately embrace anything or anyone that can seemingly end the madness.

    Trump and his cult of Republicans will go down in flames, maybe literally. And what will they be replaced with? Will the people awake, fully embracing a new era of cooperation and justice?

    The answer is no.

    Personal safety, stability, and daily predictability will grossly override any other considerations. Far from having a woke populace, we will have a succession of generations fervently clinging to the dogma of safety – comfort – predictability.

    Having survived Ha-Shoah, Israelis did not embrace truth & justice, they embraced the very same mentality and dogma responsible for antisemitism. American human nature is no different.

    If Trump is bad [he is], what would come after The Revolution would be exponentially worse. Generation after generation desperate to not rock the boat, to not do anything that might cause trouble, to not seek justice lest it upset our fragile kleptocracy.

    While we still have it, the only real & moral revolution to be had is now at hand, November 3rd, 2020. Vote it in.

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  10. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Very well done, Mr. Rall.

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  11. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 3 years ago

    Got THAT right.

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  12. Missing large
    tims145  over 3 years ago

    I always appreciate a history lesson, even if I strongly disagree with some of Ted’s political positions.

    After the Enabling Act, and Hindenburg’s death, a national Referendum was held on merging the posts of Chancellor and President. The total yes vote was about 90%. However, per Wikipedia: "The government used widespread intimidation and electoral fraud to secure a large “yes” vote. This included stationing storm troopers at polling stations and forcing clubs and societies to march to polling stations escorted by Nazi storm troopers and then to vote in public. In some places, polling booths were removed, or banners reading “only traitors enter here” hung over the entrances to discourage secret voting. In addition, many ballot papers were premarked with “yes” votes, spoiled ballot papers were frequently counted as having been “yes” votes and many “no” votes were recorded to have been in favor of the referendum question. The extent of the fraud meant that in some areas, the number of votes recorded to have been cast was greater than the number of people able to vote." So election fraud is always a good thing for a despot.

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    randolini Premium Member over 3 years ago

    What difference does it make, no party ever pays any attention to the party platform anyway. They only follow what the Wall Street donors (masters) tell them to follow.

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  14. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member over 3 years ago

    I admit that I didn’t know much about Biden when he was nominated. I wanted Warren. So, I’ve watched interviews and researched. He is intelligent, well informed, dedicated and decent. Even without the other characteristics, I would just settle for decent. Is it too much to ask that we have a president that is a moral person, not one who has cheated on everyone and everything to the point where his entire life is a blur of dishonesty? I would really like to have a President who I’m not ashamed of.

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    LJZ Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Having a lucid moment Ted? Keep it up!

    The entire platform here:


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  16. Photo
    NatureBatsLast  over 3 years ago

    Meanwhile checkout the temps hitting the West.

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  17. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  over 3 years ago

    Any time a party lets the President accumulate more power, they rue it when the opposition wins the Presidency. So short-sighted.

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  18. Inbound to iraq  2
    Scoutmaster77  over 3 years ago

    Presidential candidates are human and as such aren’t perfect. However, one of these two is way less perfect than the other and this shouldn’t need an explanation . There won’t be any do-overs this time, so…

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 3 years ago

    THAT’S what I’m talking about!

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    ncorgbl  over 3 years ago

    There is no Republican Party any longer, it is gone to history. The tRump Party platform is whatever the whims and wishes of tRump are. Just as Rall depicts, quite comparable to Germany in 1933.

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  21. Professor chaos
    countoftowergrove  over 3 years ago

    Way to go Ted! You’ve got your quota of anti-Trump cartoons in for the year. Congratulations!

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  22. Catinnabag2 50pct
    Màiri  over 3 years ago

    Paul Sellars is a British joiner [“cabinet-maker” here on the colonial side of the watter] who teaches online. Joining/cabinet-making is an “artistic craft” that in Britain produced some of the most beautiful utilitarian work imaginable from about 1850 thru 1920 or a bit less (the work of the MacDonald sisters in Scotland is exemplary). Here is Paul’s capsule summary of his politics and craft ethics as it affects dovetailing:

    I tend not to be involved in creating what might be regarded as overly refined to the point that they offer impracticality and pretentiousness. I’m not really an advocate of royalty and the upper echelon of the privileged few lording it over the poorer classes. Some refinements in woodworking were catering to the rich and wealthy and were, really, pretentious at best. This was expressed in certain work such as string inlays and thin dovetails. All very creative and not particularly complex, but it was the minority rich expressing its standing in society and their control over the working classes ‘in service’ in order to show how very refined their tastes were.

    Jings whit a bolshie :-)

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  23. Img 0041
    Dapperdan61  Premium Member over 3 years ago

    The GOP have abandoned their principles and are morphing into America’s Fascist Party. Even assuming trump is gone in January there will be more fascist candidates to come

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    rmfrye Premium Member over 3 years ago

    I was a Republican for more than 50 years. My only hope now is that enough of the “Republicans” that have mindlessly backed Trump will somehow wake up after Nov 3 and, for the good of the country, suddenly find their long lost backbones and ensure that there is a orderly transition of power.

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  25. Bob innes 1
    dirtmusic  over 3 years ago

    That should make you happy Ted.

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