Drew Sheneman for July 15, 2020

  1. Tenor
    Lolapoo Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    As someone in his 50s who still plays competitive baseball, I looked at this comic (coronavirus aside) and tried to picture in my mind what it would look like if Trump tried to throw a ball. Now that would be entertaining.

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    john_chubb  almost 4 years ago

    Perhaps the children won’t get all that sick from Covid19 – at least the majority of them (a few percent have lasting brain damage – no biggie, right?) – but those little germ-vectors will bring it home from PS-Petri Dish and infect their parents and grandparents.

    It happens EVERY YEAR with the regular influenza epidemic – it’s not like we don’t KNOW THIS!

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  3. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  almost 4 years ago

    What has to happen when you make an omelette? /s

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  4. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 4 years ago

    I would have to think that EVEN the members of Trump’s evil cult would eventually realize that there is exactly ONE child in the entire world that he gives the tenth part of a damn about, and her name is Ivanka………

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  5. Image
    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    I personally think that the total at the tally of the portion of who have died directly because of Trump’s inaction and other stupid anti-science choices is on the high side. See:


    On the other hand, even then Trump winds up already, in just months, directly responsible for more American deaths than either the Vietnam War or the Korean Military Action (war) caused.

    That is a number which is growing, and his recent political choice to place his spin before lives by changing reporting and reliability of available data will make it even harder for medical personnel and first responders to have access to numbers they need to save lives by being able to share services and redirect patients to places that have openings.

    With Trump we are seeing the fight between those who place power and money first, vs. the medical experts who are placing the value of human life and useful data first.

    Remember the people in the primary and then in 2016 who said that they would rather die than vote for someone other than Trump? Well, guess what?

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  6. 3 stooges
    tee929  almost 4 years ago

    Baseball had its “Billy ball”, CV-19 has its Bully Ball.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Children are supposedly more resistant to the direct effect of the coved-19 coronavirus but new evidence is pointing to damage to children’s lungs and circulatory systems which is long-lasting – and Trump wants to throw our children into that hell-pot just so he can “get reelected”

    Trumpian supporters are either amazingly uncaring or amazingly stupid (although I will grant this small “excuse” to them – if they ONLY follow Fox, it is possible they aren’t aware of any of the recent findings on children in the medical world)!

    Of course, Science is a bad word to Trumpians, and Science flies in the face of what the president is trying to “sell” so I guess it’s a sad hope that they’ll listen to anyone other than the voodoo witch doctors that have Trump’s ear.

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