Prickly City by Scott Stantis for March 31, 2020

  1. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  about 4 years ago

    For what it’s worth, Stantis has been pretty good these last couple of weeks.

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Like I said yesterday:

    Republicans* are never, ever wrong. Even when they are.

    Especially when they are. “Who’s gonna pay for it?”


    *Now the Party Of Trump.

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    jmworacle  about 4 years ago

    Well, Honey Bunny is never wrong. Just ask her.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    You’re sorta right, Carmen, but Winslow is not wrong. I don’t think the developers saw the depths to which humanity was willing to sink.

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  5. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   about 4 years ago

    (Speaking of not apologizing when incorrect….)


    President Donald Trump praised funding for the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts that was put in the stimulus bill.

    It flies in the face of the Republican Party’s attacks on the funding measure, and accusations that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was pushing her own pet projects into being funded.

    The Kennedy Center does get federal funding as the largest public theater in Washington, D.C. and the budgets and laws for the District of Columbia must be approved by Congress.

    …the center is considered a federal entity.

    Politico’s Jake Sherman noted that both Democrats and Republicans put funding for it in their respective bills.

    (Fox ‘News’ and GOP’er disinformation cut.)

    But when asked about it on Wednesday, Trump explained he’s in full support.

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  6. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   about 4 years ago

    From August 9, 2015


    But now (Trump) he’s picked Fox News, which polls show and as Ezra and Nate note, Republicans trust in very high numbers.

    He can’t win a battle over fairness with an institution base Republicans trust more than anyone else.

    I don’t agree. This is all too literal.

    I should preface everything I say here: I could totally be wrong. I think there’s a decent chance I am wrong.

    Conservatives trust Fox News over and against other media organizations. It’s still an elite institution run by people in and of New York City.

    In response to Chuck Todd’s question “Do you want to apologize?” this morning, Trump said, “What I said was totally appropriate. There was nothing wrong. Only a deviant, and I literally mean that, only a deviant would think anything other than that.”

    In this, as in virtually everything else that has happened over recent weeks, Trump has has boiled down to its essence the mantra of Republican politics for a generation: Never apologize. Always attack.

    I think everything we are seeing here in response – what the Times calls an emerging “consensus” in “Republican circles” – is a conversation among the east coast pundit class, whether that’s Ezra Klein or Megyn Kelly or Nate Silver – the cultural commonalities are greater than the ideological divide.

    I’ve never thought Trump would be the nominee. But base Republican politics is about the appeal of rule breaking and grievance. I don’t think Trump will lose playing to those.

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    William Robbins Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Feeling a little more ok taking a breather from all plague all the time since the great reopening was called off… at least til the next insanity emerges. Covid’s hit Ziggy & Lio now.

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    Bruce1253  about 4 years ago

    Let me see if I have this right. . . . You care what a bunch of people who you will never meet think of your ideas??? Can I sell you something? I don’t think it matters what it is.

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    Plods with ...™  about 4 years ago

    The higher calling would be wonderful. Humans tend to screw it up.

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    Havel  about 4 years ago

    One of the best books I’ve ever read was “Being Wrong” by Kathrine Schulz.

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    MichaelSFC90  about 4 years ago

    “People will forgive you for being wrong. They will not forgive you when history proves them wrong and you right.”—Thomas Sowell.

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