Peanuts by Charles Schulz for March 15, 1993

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    ootey  about 6 years ago

    Alright, here’s my story. Every summer we would play little league baseball. And every summer I would look for the coach I had last summer and play for his team. Why? Because I knew him. But we had terrible teams that hardly ever won. Why did I play for this guy? Familiarity and lack of ability to strike out on my own path to a better team. I think this is Charlie Brown’s team’s dilemma. Too young to know how to break out of a losing situation. I think some of us never break out of bad habits and situations. But sometime in our lives we must forge into a brighter path. I pray that we all find this path. It is out there for us. I have found mine and struggle each day to win games and have ultimate life success. I am happy for this.

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