Origins of the Sunday Comics by Peter Maresca for July 16, 2021

  1. Eugene the jeep
    Joseph Nebus Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Here we go with the text. The woman never gets called anything but ‘Dear One’ so that’ll do for a name.

    First Row, Left

    Little Allright: ‘’Tis said that true love never runs smooth. I’ll have to watch this. Maybe it’s different in Toy Land.’

    Dog: ‘What I’d like to know is, how can his heart pine for her when he’s made of hickory?’

    Wooden Soldier: ‘Be sweet dear one, my heart pines for thee.’

    First Row, Center

    Little Allright: ‘And she didn’t say ‘this is so sudden’.

    Wooden Soldier: ‘Come! My friend Alderman Oakman will tie the knot.’

    Dear One: ‘Sure.’

    First Row, Right

    Dear One: ‘Oh, dear! I haer Pa coming.’

    Pa, an Iron Man: ‘Hi! Come back!’

    Second Row, Left

    Dog: ‘Papa has an iron constitution.’

    Little Allright: ‘Yes and he’ll get ‘em if we don’t help.’

    Pa: ‘Just because he’s got some brass buttons painted on his chest you think you’ve got to marry him.’

    Dear One: ‘Darling, Pa is in hot pursuit.’

    Second Row, Right

    Pa: ’I’ll scorch the paint off this dandy of yours.’

    Dear One: ‘All is lost.’

    Third Row, Left

    Dear One: [ As Allright ties up Pa ] ‘Oh! It’s allright allright!’

    Third Row, Right

    Little Allright: ‘I hope he don’t burn a hole in the carpet.’

    Pa: ‘!!!!’

    Dog: ’I’m glad he’s a steamer man ‘stead of a electric one or he might shock us.’

    Bottom Row, Left

    (Silent panel)

    Bottom Row, Center

    Little Allright: [ Tying Pa to the top of a steeple ] ’We’ll heave him up here to cool off his towering rage while the ceremony is performed.’

    Bottom Row, Right

    Narration Box: ‘And the ceremony was performed by Alderman Oakman and they lived happily ever after.’

    Oakman: ‘Man and wife.’

    Little Allright: ‘Oh joy!’

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  2. Wonder warthog
    WaltWenger Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    McConaughey’s inspiration.

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