Jack Ohman for July 20, 2019

  1. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Nice metaphor.

    Will be interesting to see what Kamala does to him in the debates.

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  2. Triumph
    Daeder  over 4 years ago

    Naturally, he’s full of $h!t.

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  3. Zh7uxue
    GreggW Premium Member over 4 years ago

    But he had no problem with the chant going on for THIRTEEN SECONDS before he spoke again.

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  4. Missing large
    Stevefk  over 4 years ago

    The look on Trumps face during the 13 seconds pretty much told it all as to what was going on in his mind as he had to hold back the tears of joy hearing the chanting from his supporters. Yeah, America, another fine example of minions honoring their leader preach more division in America. Let’s just hope there’s a cure for it so one day we can have a real president again soon.

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  5. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Please explain how ANY rational, thinking human with an I.Q. higher then Room Temperature can STILL believe a WORD that comes out of the mouth of that human-shaped sack of dog droppings! Someone?? Anyone???

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  6. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member over 4 years ago

    More blood when he sees some benefit for himself and pits supporters against each other or goes after a former bootlicking staff member who’s spilled the truth on him.

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  7. Wtp
    superposition  over 4 years ago

    For the Republican party to survive in this century they will have to give up the futile “White Power” philosophy and actually compete with ideas like AOC’s. You cannot govern a constitutional democratic republic with a diverse population by using suppression and obstruction, so the Republicans must have something darker in mind for the future.

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  8. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 4 years ago

    8,000 brainless loudmouths live in North Carolina.

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  9. Little b
    Dani Rice  over 4 years ago

    Lindsey Graham once admitted the future of the Republican party was in danger. “We’re not producing enough angry white males” to keep going. And thank Heaven for that.

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  10. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 4 years ago

    Infrastructure Week is Out, We’re Doing Nuremberg Rally Week Now

    Trump abandons claim that he tried to stop racist chant, praises the ‘fine patriots’ who chanted.

    Is Trump ever not angry?

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  11. Trump nap2
    Redd Panda  over 4 years ago

    In the wilderness of the mountain, I saw something very strange – a bush on fire. It burned, but was not consumed. And I said to myself: “I will go and look at this strange thing, a bush on fire, yet not burning up. As I went toward the bush, I heard a voice, “trump hates you, he hates everyone…..Got that, sailor boy?". I did have an epiphany last night, in the shower…..trump hates everyone. Any color, any spoken tongue, trump hates ’em. trump holds the whole of mankind in contempt. Sad.

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  12. Image001
    dogday Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Not for the first time, an article in a national news magazine made the point that Trump may have actually had a valid point about the Squad and their political stance (please note I say MAY), but his rhetoric is so hate-filled and dishonest that that’s the only thing one can hear from him. Ever.

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  13. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 4 years ago

    He doesn’t just approve of it, he demands the racism from his followers. Only a racist would support a bigot like Trump

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  14. Trump nap2
    Redd Panda  over 4 years ago

    We wait for the men to defend this fragile democracy, but they are busy, they have no taste for the fight. Wait, what do we see? A modern day Joan of Arc and her sisters emerging from the treeline onto the plain to attack the dragon and defend us all. Their hair drawn back, their armor simple, but strong. They carry the swords of the righteous, shining brightly in the morning Sun. The creature waits, surrounded by the most odious and evil gutter snipes ever seen. The sisters bring the fight to it. The beast spews the foulest bile in all directions and yet, the sisters are undeterred. The battle continues. At day’s end, the sisters move off to plan their next attack. The creature slithers back into it’s hole to lick it’s wounds and blame someone else for it’s problems. (spoiler alert…the beast goes belly up 03-Nov-2020)

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  15. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 4 years ago

    In every case, when you observe a politician, you must look at actual behavior and not at what they or their supporters say! This has been true since I slept in a really short bed (longer), but it is more important than ever now.

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  16. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Now, I’m wondering, if these same four Congresswomen actually praised Trump, how he would react?

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