Jeff Stahler for January 29, 2019

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Howard Schultz has previously been a life-long Democrat. So why is he now contemplating a move (splitting the anti-Trump vote) that would provide a huge re-election advantage to the most corrupt, incompetent and illegitimate fake “president” ever in U.S. history, and the only one ever installed by Russia (Nixon was treasonously installed by South Vietnam — see the “Anna Chennault affair”).

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  2. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    This is funny. I don’t want him to run but this cartoon is funny.

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  3. Picture
    Ontman  about 5 years ago

    If he was still living Canada could have had Prime Minister Tim Horton.

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    Zev   about 5 years ago

    I think we’ve all had enough of having a ‘businessman’ for President. MORE than enough. (Besides, I’m a tea drinker that thinks Starbucks is the third circle of hell.)

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  5. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  about 5 years ago

    Let’s have a cappucciNO.

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    DaBoogadie  about 5 years ago

    It’s the only way to protect ‘moneyed’ class.

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    DanFlak  about 5 years ago

    Schultz could be the wild card the Democratic Party needs. If they want to win him over, they will have to kick out the ultra-left wing of the party. After how the Democratic bosses corinated Hillary to the throne, I don’t see this happening, but one can hope.

    Even the Republicans could look respectable if they kicked out the far right.

    Both parties need to divest themselves of their extreme elements then we might actually have a political system that is somewhat functional.

    Interesting Constitutional question. Suppose, in a three-way-race, no candidate gets enough electoral votes?

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  8. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima  about 5 years ago

    So, Starbuck’s is selling kool aid now.

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    Rauderi  about 5 years ago

    It seems politicians and political hopefuls are the most prone to forget patterns and history. If this country needs any sort of surprise politician, it’s a wave of moderate-right (aka actual conservatives) to upset the far-right whacko candidates.

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  10. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  about 5 years ago

    Same question for him as for the others who have announced: exactly what abilities does he possess that qualifies him to lead a complicated and splintered country such as the U.S.? So far he has only announced an intention, but has not stated what issues are of so much importance to him that he would risk health – and sanity – by putting himself in the glare of what will follow.

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  11. Irish  1
    Zen-of-Zinfandel  about 5 years ago

    He’s pretty calm when he “espressos” his opinion.

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  12. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Funded and encouraged by trump and the Republicans.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    My state of New Mexico has, in the past, elected, as Governor, people that, having been successful in business, think they can “run” a government as they have previously run their businesses.

    This has NEVER worked!

    It’s ALWAYS required a year or two to be “reeducated” to how governments are run before they were EVEN the tiniest bit successful as a Governor!

    And this was at the “state” level, while running a whole nation would be an order of magnitude (at least) more difficult!

    Furthermore, it has been proven time and time again that America has a “binary” political system – EITHER a republican wins the presidential race – OR a democrat wins!

    History has shown that “third-party” candidates are NEVER successful at anything more than ‘throwing’ the race more firmly into the hands of one or the other of the two (binary, remember?) primary parties.

    America has NEVER elected a “third-party” candidate to the office of President – NEVER!

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  14. Aha
    2peabody1  about 5 years ago

    Go TKE (Theta Iota chapter)

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