Lalo Alcaraz for December 06, 2018

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    gammaguy  over 5 years ago

    Another of Trump’s rake-creations. I’ll bet he enjoys it even more than golf.

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    montessoriteacher  over 5 years ago

    Even with all the crap coming out about trump, we continue to hear about Hillary’s emails. Since she had about 33,000 over a private server and the Bush administration had several million sent over a private server and Ivanka had a few thousand over a private server, where are their investigations? Hillary has been exhaustively investigated and exonerated!

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    montessoriteacher  over 5 years ago

    According to Lawrence O’Donnell last night, trump can be and must be impeached. There will soon be investigations regarding Pence as well. Even Tucker Carlson recently turned on trump, saying he doesn’t have the ability to focus. Strange, that he just noticed.

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  4. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Yep, according to Uncle Dunce, the Magic Rake will solve all our problems!

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I am not a board certified physician but even I can see the signs to stress-related senility. The inability to speak coherent sentences, extemporaneously, is telling! Ronald Reagan had the same problem, to a lessor extent, during his second term, as I remember.

    And this is the man, who, with an ever-increasing “enemies list”, a man who has openly expressed his desire to, when a “wrong” is perceived, strike back 10 times as hard, has the nuclear codes within easy reach 24 hours a day!

    That’s a comforting thought!

    Note; Donald John Trump can be easily Impeached – the facts are straightforward and readily apparent, and the House of Representatives will soon be Democratic! He cannot be CONVICTED, however, until the Senate republicans grow “a pair” and develop a spine and stop playing “handmaiden” to the President!

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