Steve Breen for November 07, 2018

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Apropos Trump’s Tweet misappropriating the Game of Thrones graphic: Tweet tantrums — and investigations aplenty — are coming.

    Welcome Committee Chairs (with full investigative and subpoena powers):


    Adam Schiff — Intelligence (Russian collusion)

    Maxine Waters — Financial Services (emoluments; corruption)

    Jerrold Nadler — Judiciary (impeachment)

    Elijah Cummings — Oversight (corruption)

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    ajmsdca  over 5 years ago

    Can’t happen fast enough

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    gammaguy  over 5 years ago

    Rest Eschered, no one will be very happy with the total nationwide result.

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    Anters55  over 5 years ago

    Nicely drawn, Mr. Breen!

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  5. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 5 years ago

    So, WHAT ELSE is new??

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  6. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 5 years ago

    The Republicans made Gridlock and obstruction into an art-form between 2009-2017, so let’s see how THEY like it for a while.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    The first step to getting out of the deep hole is to stop digging.

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    john_chubb  over 5 years ago

    The red covers a larger percent of the picture, so the Trumpublicans are WINNING.

    Just ask the TOTUS!

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    NobodyAwesome Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I think the problem is that voters have been rewarding dysfunction. Obama acted like mature adult, but didn’t get much approval from the people. Republicans and Trump have clearly demonstrated that propaganda works much better than maturity. Emotional responses drown out rationality.

    Till the voters around here behave maturely and are able to rationally follow evidence, “the people will get the government they deserve”. (Apologies for the bad paraphrasing of the oft-repeated quote.)

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  10. Coexist
    Bookworm  over 5 years ago

    I really think it needs to be pointed out that the current midterms will hardly add to the preexisting gridlock. This Congress has only produced one piece of major legislation; the tax break to the very, very rich. (The bone thrown to the masses will shrink for the next several years, while the wealthy enjoy permanent reductions). So if nothing of merit could be accomplished with GOP control of the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Supreme Court, I daresay a few more Democratic seats is not going to show a great deal of difference in terms of meaningful legislation or progress. Although the tweets from the White House may get a lot more vitriolic. (If they haven’t already.)

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    DrDon1  over 5 years ago

    What “Gridlock?” Did #45 and GOP-controlled Legislature give us “Beautiful” Health Care? Meaningful Tax cuts? Immigration reform?

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  12. Mrnatural
    zenguyuno  over 5 years ago

    Well done, Steve Breen!

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  13. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 5 years ago

    Gridlock: trying to push the country forward against a corrupt regressive racist.

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  14. Athiestsymb
    lobo1939  over 5 years ago

    See if any initiatives Dems in HOReps makes it past the door into McConnell’s office/

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    Scoutmaster77  over 5 years ago

    This is built into the US Constitution. The one thing the framers feared was another king (or autocrat). This is the reason the government goes so slow, to prevent the kind of crap that Trump has tried to pull. For example, an executive order rescinding the 14th Amendment. In my opinion, this is the best outcome. No one party controls everything and, assuming the Supreme Court still can protect the Constitution, they will need a little bipartisanship to accomplish anything. There’s still Mueller’s report also.

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    pamela welch Premium Member over 5 years ago

    This is a great visual, Steve – thanks!

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    Andylit Premium Member over 5 years ago

    And now the rubber meets the road for the Dems.

    Can they govern or will the continue to “resist”? It was all well and good to run around shrieking IMPEACH HIM when they were in the minority. Now they must decide.

    In Pelosi is unable to restrain Waters, Nadler, Schiff and a few others the House will return to the GOP in 2020. Pelosi talked about bi-partisanship last night. Come January we are going to find out if she is serious, and if she can control her senior Members.

    The Dems are well known for very tight party discipline, or at least they were until this recent “socialist” awakening. If they can achieve meaningful agreement with Trump, they will prosper. Of course, if they do that it will also help Trump to prosper in 2020.

    Resist or build? That is the question. Doing both would be a juggling act I doubt they can pull off.

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    julie.mason1 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    It is not the poor people being kept in line by “free” stuff. It is the billionaires getting free stuff in tax giveaways paid for by the poor. I know that you forgot the /s on your comment, but the poor get nothing from the Trumpies, let alone anything “free”.

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