Mike Luckovich for August 30, 2018

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Puerto Rico — Comrade TRUMPski’s Katrina. “Heckuva job, Trumpy!”

    Trump, completely unqualified for the office he stole by cheating, voter suppression, illegal use of stolen proprietary data, direct election meddling on his behalf by a hostile foreign adversary and $30 million in illegal Russian donations laundered through the NRA, was absolutely incapable of handling a massive natural disaster. Even when goods and equipment for relief were donated, the Trump incompetence meant they never got to the people who needed, causing thousands of preventable deaths.

    He could not even effectively manage the Hurricanes in Florida and Texas that voted for him; he couldn’t care less about Hawaii (that voted against him) or especially Puerto Rico where U.S. citizens can’t vote at all in presidential elections while on the island.

    But Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens. They are free to travel and move anywhere in the U.S. And hundreds of thousands have fled Puerto Rico’s massive Trump-worsened devastation by resettling in the swing state of FLORIDA. And as soon as they get settled in their new digs, they are — as U.S. citizens — immediately able to vote as residents of Florida.

    And they are registering, and they are pissed …


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  2. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Now add in some kidnapped children and probably an assundery abortion doctors shootings, white power riots and mass shootings and that wall will be higher than ever.

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    Walrus Gumbo Premium Member over 5 years ago

    And it only cost us a few rolls of paper towels!

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  4. Wtp
    superposition  over 5 years ago

    The US is having an identity crisis and it is affecting all of its citizens … do we continue to pursue the American dream as a nation or do we revert to tribal rivalries because of partisanship?

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    Ontman  over 5 years ago

    This particular ‘wall’ was more expensive than anyone could imagine.

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  6. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Break out more paper towels, you miserable fat bastard…

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  7. Coexist
    Bookworm  over 5 years ago

    But there is no Trump hotel in Puerto Rico nor, to my knowledge, any other Trump business interest. They cannot vote in national elections, being merely a territory, they are Latino, and only about 3,000 died. They were going to die anyway (eventually). Can you imagine what the results might have been had not the administration not had such a “fantastic” response?

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  8. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Wall of shame!

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  9. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 5 years ago

    Idiot Trump is one of the biggest gold bricks in the wall.

    Rip down that wall.

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  10. Dscn0307
    FrannieL Premium Member over 5 years ago

    This is a wall of shame for the US government. More should have been done.

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    casonia2  over 5 years ago

    Mike (and Pan), I think what was done was to compare the final count of deaths over a set period during and after the hurricane. Then they subtracted the number of deaths that would be expected in the same time period without hurricane to arrive at “excess deaths” attributable to the hurricane and post-hurricane period. So there isn’t a neat stack of death certificates, no…although there are plenty of death certificates. Any American who visits Puerto Rico should wear a paper shopping bag of shame (with eyeholes) over their head. I sent what money I could and hoped and prayed it would get to someone who needed help, but thanks to the government that is supposed to be representing (and helping) American citizens, America’s response was a shameful disgrace. As I watched the disaster unfold, I couldn’t imagine what I could do to help, other than send money. If you travel to devastated areas without a team, supplies, know-how and an invitation, you’re most likely to just add to the problems. We have FEMA to coordinate disaster response, but Trump and his idiot henchpeople didn’t know or want to know that to do to help.

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  12. Missing large
    casonia2  over 5 years ago

    Keep in mind, every one of those “excess deaths” was someone’s gramma, grampa, husband, wife, auntie, uncle, girlfriend, boyfriend, brother, sister, or child, AND an American citizen hung out to dry by the government they pay taxes to and in whose military many, many have faithfully served. I hope they ALL move to the US mainland and vote.

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  13. Img 0668b
    Coopersdad  over 5 years ago

    There should be at least one place there reserved for tRump!

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