Jack Ohman for May 21, 2018

  1. Triumph
    Daeder  almost 6 years ago

    When you run out, try sanity mixed with compassion. It works for the rest of us.

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    If ALL or even ANY of those prayers get answered, what happens as a result?

    What are Republican politicians praying FOR, exactly?

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  3. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Sadly accurate.

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  4. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 6 years ago

    The paranoid gun nuts were buying hundreds of millions of dollars of guns while Obama was president because “he was going to take our guns away”.

    Now that idiot right wing freak Trump is president, the gun nuts ain’t buying.

    The NRA and other gun lobbies are freaked out, they are not making as much profit.

    All they want to do is sell guns, they don’t care how many children die in school.

    Therefore they want to arm teachers to sell guns.

    Gun lobbies are America’s domestic capitalist terrorists.

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 6 years ago

    When the gun lobbies freak out after we change the gun laws we will send them our thoughts and prayers.

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  6. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    There is no point in outlawing guns. They are out there, there are millions, they are made of metal and will last for a thousand years if they are kept oiled. Failing that, I could find materials in my basement that would produce a workable gun, and it doesn’t take much knowledge of the subject to figure out how to do it.

    Bullets, on the other hand, are time consuming to make and require specific equipment. Production of enough to do serious damage would require planning and patience that are not characteristic of those who shoot up elementary schools. And, working on such a project might attract the attention of someone sane.

    Bullets can be individually stamped, and their sale can be registered and the sale entered into a computer base, so that every bullet can be traced back to the person who purchased it. This way, a guy who wants to buy a couple boxes of bullets to go shoot deer, or the woman who wants a box to keep with the gun in her bedside drawer, won’t set off any warning bells. But the guy who is buying an arsenal will attract attention before he finds a more lethal way to do it.

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  7. Screenshot 2023 12 10 091315
    Stephen Runnels Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    The NRA/gun lobby/ gun manufacturers can restore their reputation as the leaders in gun safety and home protection and demonstrate their wisdom on possessing assault type personal weaponry by simply allowing those good gun nuts with guns to all bring their loaded and ready assault weapons into and among NRA and supporting political leaders at their conventions and other gatherings.

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  8. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 6 years ago

    Whatever God you believe in, now is a good time to ask for help. But then you actually have to get up and do something. It seems for all the thoughts and prayers given by these fake Christians, the school shootings are getting worse. Demonizing compassion is not the answer to violence and hatred – but inaction and empty platitudes is not the answer either. As we grapple with yet another mass murder at one of our schools, the thoughts and prayers will not stop that gunman from entering that school. When the NRA says thoughts and prayers, it sounds like I don’t care if children die. In fact, if it works so well, we don’t need the Secret Service to protect Trump, we can just keep our thoughts and prayers on him and he will be safe. So I think and pray on the gun violence, and then I go out and march, and talk to politicians and vote. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by demonizing those who genuinely express sympathy, empathy, compassion and love in the face of evil. But sympathy, empathy, compassion and love must go beyond thinking and praying, or you are not genuinely expressing them.

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  9. Ahl13 3x4
    Andylit Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Set aside your pro or anti gun sentiments.

    While searching for information on shootings I came across the rampage killing sections in Wikipedia. Not my favorite source by any stretch, but the data is the data is the data.

    The definition for a “rampage killer” in consistent throughout. The articles include all weapons as opposed to just firearms, but are clearly marked as to what was used.

    I used the year sort function, going earliest to latest. What jumped out at me almost instantly was the scarcity of incidents prior to the 1980’s, and the growing frequency from that point forward.

    What also struck me was the increase across the globe. Regardless of weapon, it appears that rampage killings in schools by deranged persons has been on the rise since the early 1980’s.


    I then did the same operation on the broader topic of all rampage killings. Again, there is a relative scarcity of incidents prior to the 1970’s or 1980’s, depending on the region. With a growing frequency from that point forward.

    Most with firearms, but quite a few with blades, fire and other weapons.

    Sort by year and think about it. This increase in incidents is growing, all over the world. It is not an exclusively American problem. It is not limited to firearms.

    What is going on?






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  10. 1
    Jersey Chuck  almost 6 years ago

    Thoughts are good but prayers are worthless!

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  11. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 6 years ago

    American has more school shooting than any other other country in the world thanks to gun lobbies.

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  12. Missing large
    Union Man  almost 6 years ago

    I think its about time God showed up and did something, anything. Congress won’t!

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  13. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    The reason why nothing is being done is that so many people believe that an imaginary being will save them.

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  14. Face resize
    donut reply  almost 6 years ago

    summer coming, schools out soon. NRA will be locking and loading with more “Thoughts and prayers”.

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  15. Missing large
    buckman-j  almost 6 years ago

    It’s a chore to do all that research on “rampage” killings. I think, however, one would be better off not including the so called “developing” countries in the research. The slaughter that’s been going on across Africa the last 20-20 years for instance, skews the data. Perhaps one should compare/contrast the “First World” countries, US, Europe, Canada and even South America. I think the results would be different and it would not be a surprise if we lead the “Free World” The NRA went from a responsible, almost conservative organization in the 70s, and it coicides with that “rampage killing” era, and hasn’t stopped here.

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  16. Avv7uxthr0nws
    robnvon Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Who are you killing now? You’ve got school children, Palestinians, and have so well armed the Russians that sting operations are necessary.

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