Michael Ramirez for August 20, 2017

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    jglarner  over 6 years ago

    So Ramirez previous cartoon (and many others) blatantly directs hatred against immigrants; and today opines against hatred? Utter fail.

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    Radish the wordsmith  over 6 years ago

    Mr Trump should stop leading the country toward hatred.

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    Gerald Henley  over 6 years ago

    The only ones espousing hatred are the left wing loons. Trump has constantly rejected hate, racism and bigotry but the loons still blame it all on him. Wake up people. It’s the left and the media (I know that is redundant) that perpetuates the lies. Obama had it to a fine art. When you disagreed with him you automatically became a racist, bigot and hater.

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    twclix  over 6 years ago

    Hey Chev. Explain trump’s “birther” crap. Or is that just left wing media stuff?

    How about the “very fine people” who turn out to be Nazis?

    Wait, I have it. Explain why people like Spencer and Duke love the pathetic trump?

    Not up to it, huh? OK, here’s an easy one. Poor mentally ill trump has told close to 1,000 verified lies since inauguration. Or is this “fake news?” Like the inaugural crowd size?

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    Odon Premium Member over 6 years ago

    “Let all ideas compete in the marketplace of ideas.” Marketplace of ideas??? Hate isn’t an idea, hate is a learned emotion.

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    twclix  over 6 years ago

    @"jlocke" This is another example of false equivalence. I understand your deep need to rationalize and normalize deviant behaviors, but you have to stop with the false equivalence nonsense. The communist movement in the US is virtually nonexistent. The far right has a mentally ill, ignorant fool for a leader. Do your homework. Get out from under your rock and look around. America used to have aspirational ethics and values that most agreed upon. The right wing has trampled those values indiscriminately. You know I’m correct about this. That is, if you are an honest man.

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    martens  over 6 years ago

    twclix, I think jlocke has too much invested in his agenda to face up to what the Republican party has come to in its pursuit of electoral victory. Jonah Goldberg seems to be one who is approaching facing up, but even he hedges a bit:


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    braindead Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Ramirez and the other Trump Disciples who claimed that Obama was a socialist, communist, fascist who was born in Kenya and probably a Muslim are now shocked.

    Shocked. Just shocked.

    Where did all this hatred come from, anyway?

    Where, o where?

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 6 years ago

    JLOCKE, the membership of the KKK has been INCREASING in 2017 – they found encouragement under Trump. They are classified as a hate group and promote violence and discrimination against anyone non-white.


    .Here is a link to the U.S. Communist Party. Note they are looking for things like raising the minimum wage and their motto is “People and Planet before Profits”. There are ideas in Communism that benefit all in a society – looking at how this was corrupted in Russia and China to define Communism is false equivalency.


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    Sadandconfused9  over 6 years ago

    If the f word is considered verbal assault why can’t Nazism be defined as a crime? Anyone who advocates violence should be charged with a crime. It should be a verbal assault. When I was a kid we used to say sticks and stones but words would never hurt us but that’s not true. Look at what the words are doing to kids in school. Bullying in school is causing deaths. Adults advocating violence against other adults is causing deaths.

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    denis1112  over 6 years ago

    This certainly true of the left. Their hatred of anyone who does not vote their way or agree with them is blocking out all the light from any thing they might do that turned out to actually work.

    So we have Trump voters being attacked in Chicago,Detroit,Atlanta,Los Angeles,Berkly and San Francisco.To name a few places.Don’t say your short term weed memory doesn’t recall these stories.They started on Nov. 9, 2016.Don’t Google it either.Google has dropped stories that don’t show the left in a glowing light from their search results.

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    DaBoogadie  over 6 years ago

    If not Google, then where?

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    lonecat  over 6 years ago

    Just to inject a little historical analysis. The following is from an article written in 1911 by Leon Trotsky, titled “Why Marxists Oppose Individual Terrorism”:.“In our eyes, individual terror is inadmissible precisely because it belittles the role of the masses in their own consciousness, reconciles them to their powerlessness, and turns their eyes and hopes towards a great avenger and liberator who some day will come and accomplish his mission. The anarchist prophets of the ‘propaganda of the deed’ can argue all they want about the elevating and stimulating influence of terrorist acts on the masses. Theoretical considerations and political experience prove otherwise. The more ‘effective’ the terrorist acts, the greater their impact, the more they reduce the interest of the masses in self-organisation and self-education. But the smoke from the confusion clears away, the panic disappears, the successor of the murdered minister makes his appearance, life again settles into the old rut, the wheel of capitalist exploitation turns as before; only the police repression grows more savage and brazen. And as a result, in place of the kindled hopes and artificially aroused excitement comes disillusionment and apathy.”.He wants a revolution, and he argues that individual terrorism doesn’t work towards the organization of the working class.


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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 6 years ago

    Especially when the Working Class do not want to be terrorists, they want justice for them and their posterity, not kangaroo courts.

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    FrannieL Premium Member over 6 years ago

    I think I must be stupid, I don’t get this toon.

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    braindead Premium Member over 6 years ago

    ^^^PETEY, it’s an attempt by a Trump Disciple to claim that ‘both sides’, i.e. nobody is responsible for the increased expression of hatred in this country, including the violent forms of that expression — AS IF it just materialized out of nowhere.

    And no one, most especially not Trump, is to blame.

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    DrPawl  over 6 years ago

    We need to demonstrate to the Neo-Nazis, the KKK and other white supremacists that their hateful rhetoric will not go unchallenged. That means that we will appear when they gather in public places. It is especially incumbent on those of us of European heritage. We need to make it clear that we disavow the wrongs that have been perpetrated in our name and for our benefit. It does not matter that we did not personally participate in the enslavement of Africans, or in the disenfranchisement of their descendants.

    When we finally practice the ideals of Western Civilization, the ideals of liberty, fraternity, equality and justice; when finally we practice the Christian ideals of charity, mercy and love; Then, perhaps, we will be finally reconciled with those who have been so sorely wronged, so poorly used and so long neglected.

    “How blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness, because it is they who will be satisfied!” (Matt 5:6).

    “Blessed are the merciful: for they will be shown mercy. " (Matt 5:7)

    Froh, wie seine Sonnen fliegen, Durch des Himmels prächt’gen Plan, Laufet, Brüder, eure Bahn,Freudig, wie ein Held zum Siegen.

    -F. Schiller.

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