Henry Payne for November 16, 2015

  1. Missing large
    jackhs  over 8 years ago

    Comment est le climat français?

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  2. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Kids getting shot in Chicago is not news. Maybe we can get some sort of system in place to stop guns coming in to Chicago from neighboring states that have looser gun laws. Payne doesn’t want to look a that. It’s sort of funny that this toon is rolling, given what happened in France. ISIS is a threat, but not our biggest threat.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 8 years ago

    The biggest threat we face is brainless droids who don’t even have to be bribed to carry water and hew wood for the fat cats. (No names, please — Henry is very sensitive!) Once we solve that toxic combination of stupidity and hate, things like unlimited guns will fall into place a lot faster than climate change.

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  4. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Obama is right. Climate change is a national, a world issue. Gun violence in Chicago is only going to be solved by the people living there.

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    Kip W  over 8 years ago

    NASA certainly believes climate change has the potential to mess us all up pretty bad. Maybe they just aren’t taking in the big picture, though. We should ask Ben, Jeb!, and Donald.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Henry didn’t say it was the only problem – just the biggest. And the bullets flying is more a state and local problem – unless you WANT the Feds involved on the national level?

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  7. Avatarkhmer mtn
    Bar Pluc  over 8 years ago

    Check your stats Mr. Uncle Joe, New York has fewer shootings per capita because New York has about half the gang issue of Chicago. Nearly 80% of gun crime in Chicago is gang related. If you think a gun law will change that you are mistaken.

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    oneoldhat  over 8 years ago

    climate change is happening // maybe we would be better off if Chicago was under 3000 feet of ice like it was not too long ago

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  9. Me 9 at darth b
    Mickey and Delia  over 8 years ago

    In Sunday’s New York Times, they ask, What do we know about the ice sheets covering Greenland and Antarctica?.The answer is, Not much..Currently, the sheets are melting at a rate that will cause the seas to rise by about a foot a century..But my college roommate was assigned to a mountain village during the Cultural Revolution. He said there was a river running through the village. White water rapids, in fact, so REALLY running. And every winter, it gradually froze solid. Bits of ice at first, then a crust, and finally solid. So no ice fishing. Solid..And then one day in the spring, in an instant, it was a white water rapids river again..Greenland and Antarctica are not so steep as the mountain slope where the village was, so maybe it will be a foot a century, and only places less than a foot above sea level have anything to worry about this century..And anyway, we need fossil fuels, so we can let our great-grandchildren worry about it. If they can..http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/15/magazine/the-secrets-in-greenlands-ice-sheets.html

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  10. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 8 years ago

    “Believe me he & the other liberals in this country would in a heartbeat.”Tell me when Obama ever said he wants to confiscate guns? Here’s what he said in 2008:“I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in the people’s lawful right to bear arms. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won’t take your handgun away.”Very few liberals want to ban gun ownership. It’s a complete lie to say they do. The overwhelming majority of Americans support sensible gun laws.

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  11. Avatarkhmer mtn
    Bar Pluc  over 8 years ago

    Mr. Uncle Joe, the link you posted doesn’t even include Illinois, in 2010 the date of that data, Illinois failed to report its numbers to the FBI research group in time for posting and weren’t included..In 2014, they only reported about ten months of activity and based on those numbers they ranked 18th behind such ‘southern’ states as District of Columbia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Michigan, Indiana, Nevada, California, and Alaska..It is of note that based on that same FBI report, Illinois ranked 8th in Handgun murders..SOMEONE doesn’t seem to have any idea how to research REAL facts and it might be you.

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