Matt Bors for October 29, 2015

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    lesmcf  over 8 years ago

    Love it – I’m learning to keep my mouth shut around the family.

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    warjoski Premium Member over 8 years ago

    And then comes the argument that those eight years of prosperity were the result of the Reagan era. And then comes the other side stating Reagan was the devil. Etc. Honestly I’ve never understood that argument. If Clinton did anything to bring about that prosperity it was because he kept his hands out of the private sector.

    Both parties have managed, at times, to accomplish good things. The problem is that both sides are under control of their more extreme membership and neither is willing to compromise. Their squabbling has done damage yes. As far as Americans defining themselves in the ways you lay out…please stop believing everything you see on TV. The average American is like the average Iraqi or Cuban…they just want to be left in peace to tend to their family and make a living.

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  3. And you wonder why
    Kylop  over 8 years ago

    So Matt, you’re talking about us….the commenters….right?

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    warjoski Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Oh get over yourself. I’m talking about the average person not the government. Stop making generalizations.

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 8 years ago

    People are so stupid to care about the candidates they support. They should only support candidates they don’t like very much. And cartoonists. They should support cartoonists.

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    warjoski Premium Member over 8 years ago

    I used the term ‘average American’. My meaning was fairly clear. To no one’s surprise you’re just being argumentative and rude.

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