Lalo Alcaraz for February 19, 2015

  1. Missing large
    Odon Premium Member about 9 years ago

    There is gray matter and then there is gray matter. Which is better depends on your foresight, or perhaps lack of foresight.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Just a note, folks do realize there are “dreamers” from China, Viet Nam, Germany, and many other countries, not just Mexico, right?

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    Jason Allen  about 9 years ago

    “Dreamers are illegal aliens. They should go try it the legal route.”And American companies knowingly hire them. Funny how the Republicans focus on illegals coming over the boarder, but not on the companies that encourage them to do it.

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  4. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Corporations are people, too! —-Mittens

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Wull, golly gee, fergot all abouth them hundreds of thousands of Ebola infected Guatamalans being snuk across to infect our school systems and allow ISIL to take over the U.S..

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    agrestic  about 9 years ago

    Another sad round of xenophobia successfully accomplished. Those of you railing against children who were brought to the US by their parents may or may not eventually realize you are on the wrong side of history and of humanity, but it will still be true. Here’s a funny question: as a four or five or seven-year-old, would you have refused to move somewhere with your parents? So why punish these kids who, not even by their own choice, grew up here and know this country as their only home? Really, think about yourself at five years old before you answer that.

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    jones.knik  about 9 years ago

    Libya had all that until Hillary and Obama decided Libya had to become a failed state.

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  8. Qc1
    agrestic  about 9 years ago

    The brainwashed here know damn well that this is a stupid policy.

    How would “brainwashed” people know this? Unless you’re saying that people are brainwashed into thinking the policy is stupid.

    It weakens the country and puts us in a dangerous position.

    How so? There are a ton of people who have thought about this a long time who say exactly the opposite: that it strengthens our economy and makes us more secure by bringing people out of the shadows.

    Legal immigration or send them to work camps.

    Well there’s a totalitarian solution. Sounds like you’ve got a bit of Joe Stalin in you.

    A country without borders is not a country. Shame on you…etc., etc.

    Who here is advocating for the erasure of borders? Did you make that man out of straw yourself? For someone who calls themselves “logical,” you sure resort to a whole lot of hand waving and spittle spewing.

    Increase the amount of legal immigrants

    Sounds good.

    punish companies that use [undocumented workers]

    Punish companies particularly if they pay these people below minimum wage and violate health and safety laws. In fact, punish all the employers who do that with any workers—and there are plenty.

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  9. Qc1
    agrestic  about 9 years ago

    How much will all those US-born murderers, rapists, burglars, corporate wage-stealers, etc., be paying toward your Social Security? This country is fundamentally a country of immigrants (unfortunately for aboriginal people here), so why invoke one single person as somehow representing all immigrants? Might as well do that for either yourself or your ancestors, whoever showed up here to make a new life.

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  10. Qc1
    agrestic  about 9 years ago

    I could not compare them to my ancestries since they were all here lawfully….

    Lawfully according to who? To the indigenous peoples who were already living here and were nearly wiped out through campaigns of ethnic cleansing and outright genocide? Or do you only recognize the self-proclaimed rights of Europeans powers?

    By the way, the Tsarnaev brothers were/are here legally according to current US law. In fact, Dzhokhar had already become a US citizen and Tamerlan’s application for citizenship was pending.

    So again, what exactly is your point, except to smear all immigrants, whether documented or undocumented? Come to think of it, how many undocumented immigrants can you point to who have committed acts of terrorism on US soil?

    And hey, since you’re all about smearing immigrants for the deeds of two brothers, maybe you’d like to discuss how US-born white men are useless and a threat to this society based on the actions of Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols, Thaddeus Murphy, and all those other terrorist bomber white dudes? How much did Timothy McVeigh contribute to your Social Security? How much will Thaddeus Murphy be?

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  11. Qc1
    agrestic  about 9 years ago

    You have to go back and defend “primitive tribal warfare” before you can use that tired tactic to criticize the USA.

    You mean all the "primitive tribal warfare Europeans were engaged in when you say your ancestors came over?

    Yes the Brothers were here…yet they lied about being refugees from the tyranny of Mother Russia….

    How do you determine that they lied? Forgive me if I don’t take your word for it. And again, what do they have to do with all the other immigrants here?

    Does Pancho Vila count?

    You mean since he kept moving back and forth across the border? I personally wouldn’t count him. But again, what does the action of a few individuals have to do with our assessment of millions of people? Seriously. How about all those US-born white male serial killers, and US-born white male mass murderers? And US-born corporate criminals? Most reasonable people don’t suggest that because of them we should suspect all US-born white males. But then you turn around and say we should do exactly that to folks with a different skin tone or accent.

    Thaddeus Murphy is claiming he was bombing his accountant’s office….

    Oh, okay, so bombing accountants’ offices is just peachy. Got it. We’ll mark ol’ Thaddeus down for Citizen of the Month, then.

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