Gary Varvel for February 12, 2015

  1. Idiocracy  1
    Dave Ferro  about 9 years ago

    We wouldn’t have to go back in there if we’d have stayed to help further stabilize the new government in Iraq. We moved out, ISIS moved in. Obama apparently did not learn anything from Carter’s mistakes…

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    kline0800  about 9 years ago

    1. 1993 war led by UK Blair and US Bush was a War on Terror that included war on whoever was supporting and giving safe haven to terrorists; not a “war on Iraq”! We Liberated the Iraqis! Saddam was a terrorist— (ask the KuWaitis), and Saddam funded terrorists who killed Jews in Israel, and gave safe haven to known terrorists.-2. The total pullout was very bad judgment, giving all Jihadi groups an open door which they have used against innocent minorities in Iraq and Syria…an Islamic Cleansing of Infidels.-3. Obama has designed a Pretend War. He will never allow a real winning strategy from the Pentagon, designed to end the Islamic Advance. He will waste US money on a “show” and he hopes to make Congress, now majority GOP, his willing accomplice. Obama will not even utter the terms “Islamic” in the same sentence with “Violent Jihad”….and Obama has close ties to the source of all violent jihad, the Muslim Brotherhood in America. Why are so many in the news business blind to the facts? It is “all the news we are wiling to allow Americans to be given”….

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    bueller  about 9 years ago

    Colin Powell dutifully executed his marchingorders with his presentation about the alleged" mobile labs" . But was anyone surprisedwhen Bush and Co. ignored his " You breakit, you bought it " warning? That seems toresonate more with every passing year.

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  4. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 9 years ago

    So now it was Obama who gave a speech in front of the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner, in his flight suit?

    Within another few months, it will be Obama who lied the country into invading Iraq.

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    retpost  about 9 years ago

    OBAMA is president now; so everything that happens or has happened is his fault.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    After their demands for more bombing and killing, the “right” is now bent because that’s exactly what he’s doing????

    It ain’t about politics, or even “war on terror”, it’s about hatred for a man that has to be colored by something more than just the body of his politics and economics.

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  7. Mooseguy
    moosemin  about 9 years ago

    Gary, there’s no satire or irony here. This ‘toon is the most mis-leading one I’ve ever seen of your work.

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    kline0800  about 9 years ago

    @braindead….it was not an “invasion of Iraq” it was a promised military action to oust Saddam from being Tyrant of Iraq, freeing the Iraqi people from his oppressive and evil rule.Bush gave Saddam months to correct his hostility to the UN sanctions and the flyover UN mission to watch Saddam.-The ousting of Saddam was by a coalition of more than 30 nations, and it was to enforce the UN sanctions.-If our governments in the West ignore and “leave it to the Mideasterners” the vanguard groups will repeat 9/11/01 and add other types of attacks to hit us in our territory. “Recruits” are flocking to join Jihadists in Syria and Yemen and elsewhere. They train, and then many return to attack their homelands…they are aided and abetted when our government refuses to call terrorism “terrorism”….It took 5 years to change the Obama designation of workplace violence to give medals to the victims; other attacks are still labeled wrongly. Jihadist actions are not common criminal acts, they are War Atrocities.-I believe violent Jihad is inspired by Satan, making it both a spiritual war and a political, military war created by non-military forces. The #1 victims are Jews and Christians, but include other non-moslem religious people, and even Islamics the Jihadis select to murder: reports in the news reveal beheadings, crucifixions, and burial alive, even for children. How any American can ignore this slaughter for Allah, is beyond understanding. Evil must be opposed, or Evil will spread until it will be too late to oppose it.

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    kline0800  about 9 years ago

    @night-gaunt…apparently the US DID care, because when KuWait called for help after Saddam’s troops invaded with the intention of adding the territory to Iraq, the US under GHWBush and a coalition fought the Gulf War to chase Saddam and his troops back into their own land, freeing KuWait.-as to the claim that Saddam asked America and our answer was affirmative, that I think is a lie. Diplomatic conversations are not “deals” and “agreements” and Saddam used bad judgment in thinking he could get away with an invasion.His record of a 10 year war with Iran and another long war with Russia where the US tried to help defeat Russia, was clear warning to any government not to agree to Saddam’s ambitions to become the 2nd Babylon King Nebuchadnezzar!

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    twclix  about 9 years ago

    Well, they recruit in the name of their religion. They fight in the name of their religion. They use their revelatory text in the name of their religion. They have been especially harsh to anyone not a Muslim. They claim to enforce their laws by reference to religious texts. So, maybe they are murderous idiots who are scring people not to fight back. But they sure as heck claim to do so in the name of their religion.

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  11. Turn in your weapons   it worked for the indians
    trm  about 9 years ago

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    A note: “No AMERICAN boots on the ground” doesn’t mean no boots. If the neighborhood steps up as Jordan finally has, and provides those boots, it’s just the right thing to do, with our offering air support and logistics, IF REQUESTED. It’s THEIR region, not ours.

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  13. 200
    Michael Peterson Premium Member about 9 years ago

    I seem to recall the chickenhawk in the phony flightsuit said ground operations in Iraq were over right before American kids began to be killed in large numbers..I suppose that doesn’t matter when your entire political strategy is based on lies and delusions, but I suspect their parents remember.

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  14. Earth
    PainterArt Premium Member about 9 years ago

    How funny is a political cartoon that makes things up using a past event from a president that they supported and foists the image on a president they don’t like? Not.

    The cartoonist lack intelligence of dealing with actual real events of the current president and making a point.

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