Jeff Danziger for March 23, 2010

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    NoFearPup  about 14 years ago

    They’re all riding donkeys! Donkeys For Sale!

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    kennethcwarren64  about 14 years ago

    Once again Danziger is on a tear, when most don’t produce two toons a week it feels like he is doing two a day – most of then very good,

    ROSIE - I think what they are riding are the “Hounds Of Hell”, although I think the guy with arrow thru is head is suppose to be Steve Martin, or dead, fat, white guy.

    The toon is true true. The GOP has always used fear and hate – Remember the political ad that GWBush produced for his father about black men being allowed out of prision to kill and rape white women, or the “Obama wants to kill grandma”, or the fact that, in the 2008 campgain, one of the things the GOP always did at their rallys was to Very Very Slowly recited Obama’s full name.

    No one in the GOP has ever stood up to any of the Birthers, Tea Baggers, or the “I have my gun so America is safe” people and told them “You are bleeep crazy!”

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    rush09  about 14 years ago

    Well, that response speaks volumes for your intellectual level when we speak of political issues Rosie. Rush would be proud!

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    dshepard  about 14 years ago

    I’m sorry, Ken, but you’re just full of it to think these marauders are just friends of the Republican party. It shows that you see what you choose to see and ignore everything else.

    Let me see, in the fear column : We must act NOW or we are headed to economic disaster! We have to pass this NOW! Sound familiar?

    The Republicans used the same tactic concerning the Iraq war to get action on it. Hey, at least they were willing to fight the war that they got us into. I remember it being Democrats who were howling about “the war is lost”, a clear insult to our soldiers. They know very well that who won a war and who lost is not determined until the war is over.

    Greed….can you say back room deals? Of course, this has been the way of Washington for decades now. We really don’t know the extent of the dealmaking even now with information traveling as quickly as it does. No one in Washington can plead innocent to this one. They are in it for the power, which brings them more money, which is why they are often not working for the good of this country.

    Racism: News flash! You don’t have to just profess your hate for a certain race or group of races to be a racist. Using race to influence people and manipulate situations is racism just the same, something that I have seen our Democrats in Congress do often and well in an attempt to shut up their opposition. Sadly, their opposition has too often fell for this ruse.

    Stupidity: to say this is isolated to just one party in Washington is the most blatant ignorance I have run across yet. When Republicans were last in power they abused their power and grew government. Now that Democrats are in power they are doing no better…doing the very things that they decried Bush and the Republicans for doing. Looking at world governments however, stupidity is the single biggest pandemic in existence.

    The line of thinking conveyed in this toon is a perfect example of hypocrisy. Democrats are just as familiar with these horsemen as they accuse their Republican counterparts of being.

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    annamargaret1866  about 14 years ago

    Maybe the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? But aren’t those horses different colors, including white?

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    charliekane  about 14 years ago


    Good call on that one, D.

    Danziger’s memorial to the ‘Pugs resistance to health care reform. Jumping, as they say, the shark, over and over again.

    Marxism? No.

    Stalinism? No.

    Socialism? No.

    Rationed care? No.

    Nationalized health care? No.

    Death panels? No.

    End of personal choice? No.

    End of freedom? No.

    Baby killer? No.

    Death knell of America? No.

    Perfect bill? No.

    Good start? Yes, finally.

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    babka Premium Member about 14 years ago

    the 4 whores/men of the hypocrilapse

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    cdward  about 14 years ago

    RosieTheRioter, said: Ooooh, I remember that ad well. That was the first time I voted for a Republican…

    You know, I find that strangely easy to believe. Your name says it all.

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    hastynote Premium Member about 14 years ago

    It is now illegal for my grandson, who was born with a heart defect, to be denied health insurance. I pray that when he is an adult that he will have a non-profit government option. I hate the idea of a private insurer making a profit by denying any of my grandchildren health care in order to make a profit.

    The business plan for private health care insurance was planned in hell by the same evil people who devised Credit Default Swaps! Only the most greedy should be forced to buy that crap!!!

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    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    @Bob - Is your grandson Okay now?

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    tcolkett  about 14 years ago

    Jade: I think the point is that now he at least has a chance since the profiteers can’t rule out coverage based on his unfortunate birth circumstance.

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    Pjbflyn  about 14 years ago

    Once again, Danziger is right (excuse the expression) on.

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    Pjbflyn  about 14 years ago

    I know it’s an inflammatory notion but it does seem to explain the tactics of the right-wing GOP: Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, perfected the “Big Lie” technique, which is based on the principle that a lie, if audacious enough and repeated enough times, will be believed by the masses. This technique has been utilized by the GOP for years now, employed continually and most recently by Rove, Limbaugh and ilk.

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    deadheadzan  about 14 years ago

    Finally, after decades we have a good beginning to affordable health care.

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    HabaneroBuck  about 14 years ago

    Boehner and the Republicans have made plenty of principled and reasoned arguments against ObamaCare. This strip is sheer bias and nothing else. The true greed is on the part of those who voted for the deal because they got a nice offer, even admitted by Obama during his interview where he said that passing legislation is “ugly.” Stupidity? Anyone that believes any monetary number or any rosy-promise coming from this ridiculous mess. Racism? A complete red herring non-issue! And fear…fear for the future of our great country? Completely logical conclusion.

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    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    Boehner and McConnell sound an awful, and it is awful, lot like Joe McCarthy. Their lies and screaming them louder each day doesn’t make them any truer, are intended to instill fear and hate, pure and simple.

    That some Democrats DID vote against this bill on principle, and ALL repugs voted against it on a total lack of individual courage is, well, a sign of cowardice.

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Sooky Rottweiler says; I’d like to point out that none of Bohener’s “friends” are riding rottweilers….(shucks, that would have been cool for once…)

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    Jaedabee Premium Member about 14 years ago

    “A complete red herring non-issue!”

    I thought Conservatives loved those?
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    btbass2 Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Well, the “reform” bill passed the House, but now the Senate has to deal w/ the changes, too. Then, after Prez O signs it, it’ll take a up to 10+ years to enact the changes IF the bill isn’t torn apart by future Congress sessions. A few states have already said they want to write laws to forbid implementation of some elements of the “reform”. It’s not a very good bill, but unfortunately, our way of governing and how we expect our elected officials to go out an fund raise for their election, you can see why we got what we did. Reform? Not very much. 30+ million new users of our corrupt for-profit insurance companies, priceless!

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    believecommonsense  about 14 years ago

    ^ Start? they’ve never stopped ….

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    comYics  about 14 years ago

    Now to eliminate High car insurance prices!!!! CHARGE!

    Oh and stop using that race card nonsense to get ground. It’ll eventually catch up to those that do.

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    believecommonsense  about 14 years ago

    if comYics (and others) would denounce those who use racial epithets instead of claiming some are falsely playing the race card, it would go a long way toward ending the ugliness.

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