Mike Luckovich for August 24, 2014

  1. Missing large
    strohbaj  over 9 years ago

    The guy who had a dream was not caught on video rubbing a store five minutes before the most defining moment of his life.

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  2. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Nice comment today Mike. Good insight. We are being dragged back to the Jim Crow-segregationist policies of decades past. However, instead of lynchings, now we have police shootings. Instead of poll taxes, we have voter ID laws and “cleansings” of voter rolls and redistricting.

    This is a systemic problem. Note how if anyone objects or questions the police, they are scum. And the attitudes is instilled in the police and public that every encounter with the public is a life/death situation. EVERY situation! Thus when you approach the public the officer sees them as a threat before there is any. The slightest objection from anyone is viewed as a challenge to be met with deadly force. I have met many police officers who have never even drawn their weapons (and more than a few who should never be trusted with one). This attitude is the Cheney one-percent threat policy in action.

    We protest the cheapening of life. We would rather arm an occupying military-police force than provide schools and health services. We would rather enrich a very small minority than give increased economic opportunity for all.

    One day, when the majority have nothing to lose, there will be a revolution, a “watering of the tree of Liberty”. And those who voted to oppress the majority will all be on the receiving end.

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  3. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Can’t spell “s**t” and your daughter is a plural? Yeah, I wouldn’t count on it and can’t take your slightly educated opinion seriously.

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  4. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  over 9 years ago

    Well done, Darsan54. Mike, I hope you can ignore those other comments.

    antiquetracman: Since you value guns so highly, why don’t you move to Somalia? They really like their guns there. A win for the U.S.

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    Mugens Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Let’s see I have a college degree, a wife and two daughters, a very well paying job that has me solidly if not in the upper echelons of the middle class, a house that is almost paid off, own 3 cars out right, never been arrested or in jail, and still get hassled, condescended to, threatened and mocked by the average cop on the street because of the color of my skin which is not in any form white. It as has been open season for any black male by those who are supposedly around to serve and protect for as long as I can remember. The only difference now is that a lot of it is currently being caught on film. There may indeed be some good white cops, far and few in between in my opinion, but the trouble is they know about the bad apples and do little if anything to rid the departments of that cancer. It seems that the only real time that police act with the proper restraint and common sense is on an episode of “Cops” and that is because they know they are being filmed constantly. Left on their own with their true desires, oh boy….

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  6. Inbox 4660
    goweeder  over 9 years ago

    “Luckovich, since you have a problem with guns, why don’t you move to China where there isn’t any and do everyone a favor by ridding us of your bias and your person. A win-lose for the USA and China.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.My definition of a troll is someone who reads a politically-slanted comic with the sole purpose of making denigrating comments about the creator of said comic. Why don’t you get a life?

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    Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Good grief! when I read the comments I wonder about the morals and intelligence of the “I wanna play cowboys” crowd. Hey guys, some of us grew up.

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  8. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Obviously you can’t read. And don’t recognize snark. I came up with the best criticism recognizable to such a limited cognitive ability.

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  9. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    You must get a really good deal on dry-cleaning that hood. You are simply repeating a bunch of memes which have little bearing on objective reality. Also please note, Republicans have stood obstinately against affordable health care, equal justice and an expansion of voting opportunites. (PS-nothing against an ID but the way it’s being installed is obviously limit voting) You live in a world not based in reality. And the sad thing is you don’t have the intellectual capacity to learn; you would rather be told your marching orders by corporate hate media.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    So glad denis and others here are so adamant about providing equal rights, and spreading cheer across race relations in the U.S, let alone ethnic and religious tolerance.

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    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    mugens: The honest majority of police are caught in the fatal dishonesty of omerta – keep quiet or you die – of the Mafia. But for that flaw, they could clean it up within a year. As for most of the comments today, I recognize a lynch mob when I see one.

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  12. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 9 years ago

    Bravo, Mr. Luckovich.

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    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    Harleyquinn: Judging by your multiple comments over time, I would expect the police would have ample reason to keep watch on you. Just what is this hobby that required driving into odd places? Night riding, or as they call it these days, drive-bys? .I hardly think mugens was talking about just a couple times a year. Most of us get that many from road closures, accidents ahead, etc. while obeying all laws. I have found that my passing white skin (some distant ancestors walked over rather than blew) prevents confrontation, unless I politely asked for more information, like how long the stoppage would be, or if the detour had been marked, then the surly response would kick in. .In 2013, I was stopped three different times for moving over to let traffic by. I was just trying to “drive friendly”; they considered it driving on a paved shoulder and a violation of “don’t mess with me” current attitude. I am sure with darker skin, I would get a hefty fine or time in jail rather an official warning against being a courteous driver.

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  14. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    I can relate to the being hassled by cops, it was about the Army post sticker on my car, in the south, after ‘Nam. I’d get stopped regularly, and harassed. It was also the only time I got a ticket for driving 10 mph UNDER the speed limit, challenged it in court, the officer admitted I did nothing wrong (about that perjury thing), but the judge still fined me $17 instead of $200! A lawyer in the audience let out a “comment” as to the “justice”, and the judge fined him for contempt!

    It was interesting times in the south indeed.

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