Lisa Benson for August 07, 2014

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    Jason Allen  over 9 years ago

    Don’t worry, Lisa. The Israelis won’t let a little thing like innocent women and children stop them bombing the sh*t out of the Gaza. The Israelis aren’t such bad guys, though. After all, they do give Hamas ample warning to evacuate before they start raining bombs down on the civilian areas.

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    Tim Culberson  over 9 years ago

    there is a lot of difference between a dirt clod and terrorists popping out of a tunnel and killing your citizens. But in liberal world reality doesnt intrude.

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    kline0800  over 9 years ago Jazeera gave Hamas an exclusive TV Preview of their preparedness for “the next round of warfare” against Israel.-Tunnels and rocket-launchers they conceal in concrete bunkers. An arsenal of rockets, mortars, and ant-tank missiles. Hamas snipers in camouflage. All on Israel’s border, Khuza area where they can fire at Jewish Eshkol, and at IDF forces in that area.-An Al Jazeera reporter is filmed walking around the tunnel which Hamas says is still operational despite the best efforts of the IDF to eradicate the underground walkways.-IMO, Israel can only defend itself when Hamas decides to up the warfare, and Israel must then defend itself from UN’s aiding Hamas against Israel, and the world media that slants reporting to favor Hamas and its friends even in South America that join the chorus accusing Israel of “war crimes” for its necessary defense actions! Satan indeed has many puppets harassing Jews and Christians around the earth!

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    warjoski Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Okay, that was really funny

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    eugene57  over 9 years ago

    jodtoad(?) is gone as well as 1opinion.

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    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Lisa again promotes the Likud lie. BTW: ETSEL, the most violent and brutal of the Zionist terrorist groups, as noted in “The Sword and the Olive- A critical history of the Israeli Defense Force” on page 60 notes; BECAME LIKUD!

    The book IS a good history, covering up only a few of the worst atrocities, but yes, was written by Martin Van Creveld, a professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, so isn’ t hardly an “anti-Semitic” text.

    Those who wonder why I don’t like Likud or Netanyahu, but do NOT “hate Jews”, or any people, willing to live in peace, might try this as a “starter text” on the real world through 1998 when the book was published. There are lots of other books, you know, those things with pages, not “links” out there, written by JEWS that reflect more honestly on the history of the Jews, and the State of Israel.

    “J Street”, and other Jewish organizations also have “issues” with Likud and Netanyahu, and seeing their perspective is worth examination by among others, all the “Islam Haters” we have constantly commenting here. BTW on that, a reading of the REAL Quran, instead of just repeating INACCURATE and out of context blurbs postulated by mostly “evangelical Christians”, is also worth considering.

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    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    ^You want a classic bigot? Dig out your mirror, or do you not cast a reflection??

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    Mike Herman  over 9 years ago

    I didn’t realize how many Jew haters were still around. I thought Christians were the only ones still open to public hate, but the desire many libs have to see Jews die is a new low.

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    fdhefty  over 9 years ago

    The Hamas rockets are from Iran, not homemade

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