Ted Rall for February 22, 2010

  1. Missing large
    comYics  about 14 years ago

    Golden rule example #……..

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    kennethcwarren64  about 14 years ago

    And you wonder why I keep bringing up Bush? I can see why you would like to forget about the last 8 years: Successful terrorist attacks, two wars, billions borrowed from China, hugh national debt, busted banks, millions losing their jobs, and no plans on how to fix it.

    I can see why you want to forget it, wish I, and the millions whose lives were ruined (plus the thousands killed in Bush’s stupid wars) could forget about it.

    Please explain why we should.

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    Lavocat  about 14 years ago

    Just wondering what a fifth panel would look like.

    I think it would have to be entitled: “Angry as hell and not going to take it anymore”. With lots of flames and a burning building or three.

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  4. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  about 14 years ago

    @Ken Warren No one ever points this out about the Bush administration but wages fell by two grand during his time as president. You can blame his rising unemployment on his outsourcing of jobs, which raises the the labor pool and drops wages.

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  5. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  about 14 years ago

    Hey, man, you have capitalism. You just don’t have enough capital to be a big fish in it.

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Sooky Rottweiler says; That’s why I prefer to pay my debts (to smellchecker) while I have bones instead of keeping them for when I’m broke. Unlike my human.

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  7. Vanilla ice cool as ice
    edmondd  about 14 years ago


    paranoid fit sorry…

    6 out of 5 stars Ted funny cartoon lol

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    jaxaction  about 14 years ago

    UNDER paid for 40 years! you nailed this situation, Ted! I’m broke, but lets send Ted to Afghanistan!

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    mattro65  about 14 years ago

    human, me too. TMW is also hilarious but true this week.

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