Dana Summers for February 09, 2010

  1. Missing large
    kennethcwarren64  about 14 years ago

    Let’s bomb them and take their oil. That should bring peace to the Middle East.

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  2. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  about 14 years ago

    ^ More importantly, we’ll corner the market on pistachios, too.

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  3. Prr
    Loco80  about 14 years ago

    Ken - we should have taken our OWN oil back in 2001 BEFORE 911 happened, but the vastly minority greenies kept us from ANWR and the Gulf, and from building new refineries. Then, just maybe, history would be entirely different. By the way, we haven’t taken anybody’s oil, we have paid an outrageous price.

    Radish, thanks for the info. We can hope and pray for another failure of their attacks.

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  4. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  about 14 years ago

    Loco80 said, 25 minutes ago ”Ken - we should have taken our OWN oil back in 2001 BEFORE 911 happened, …Then, just maybe, history would be entirely different.” So it was all about oil?

    By the way, we haven’t taken anybody’s oil, we have paid an outrageous price.

    So it was all about oil but you paid the wrong price?

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  5. Prr
    Loco80  about 14 years ago

    omQ R - what you inferred is not what I implied. I was saying that we did not go to war to take anybody’s oil. “Take” means that you pay nothing for it. We could have taken what is ours, but the environmentalists thought that would be “wrong.” Instead, we are buying from foreign lands who want nothing more than to kill us. And they are charging us dearly, to kill us economically if they cannot do it by violence.

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  6. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  about 14 years ago

    <=======Hey Ken we did that already with Iraq. Didn’t help out much though…

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  7. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  about 14 years ago

    It is not just Alaska that has oil. There are enormous reserves off shore - of both coasts and the Gulf.

    Interestingly, Chinese and Norwegians are drilling in the Gulf and the Atlantic, pretty close to US …

    The Democrats have very effectively castrated the provision of our domestic energy - Carter’s windfall tax, together with phony environmentalism …just to name a few . ..

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  8. Prr
    Loco80  about 14 years ago

    D_leg -actually, our biggest supplier currently is Canada.

    Bruce, well spoken.

    And Petergrt,you are right.It really does annoy me that we cannot drill in the Gulf due to Greenie Weenies, but 10 miles away, in Cuba’s territory, China will drill. So, not only will the environment be touched, but then WE can buy that same oil FROM China. Thanks, weenies.

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  9. Missing large
    Magnaut  about 14 years ago

    we’ve got our own oils and the ocean is not snowbound

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  10. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  about 14 years ago

    @Bruce Its not feasible. First it will take us years to “drill baby drill” since they have to build the oil wells on site. By that time they build it, take the oil out of the ground, refine it, and bring it into the market we could already have converted our vehicles into clean air vehicles.

    @Loco I know that Dr.Canuck is the person to go for a fix. But what happens when the doc runs out of juice? We’ll have to go and get it somewhere else. Face it dude, we’re junkies.

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 14 years ago

    Israel scares me a lot more than Iran.

    Peter and Loco- they ARE drilling and extracting in the Gulf, and thanks to “manipulation” of leases, they are NOT paying the taxpayer any royalties!!! Most leasable federal lands ARE under lease, but those companies whining about being cut out have been holding those leases for ages with no exploration or drilling. Even the Alaskan National Petroleum Reserve, right next to the ANWR they want to screw up, has barely been touched.

    “Energy” companies have been running a much bigger con than either AIG or Goldman - Sachs, for many more years, and from many more angles. That includes the phony “denier” fraud, as they now are saying it’s true and THEY are the “good guys”. Conning morons is really easy.

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